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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,628) Ziwi 97.32% 9,403.46pp 719,198,107 0 690 51
2 (#4,786) Stiwfwy 96.21% 8,821.44pp 1,418,757,306 0 1,203 361
3 (#11,689) sumyeon 96.12% 6,810.97pp 2,859,702,113 192 2,639 119
4 (#11,925) WinMine360 97.40% 6,764.01pp 179,753,772 0 145 36
5 (#15,236) Staldyrr 96.48% 6,149.47pp 492,640,399 0 374 157
6 (#19,970) Cool Narrator 97.58% 5,527.83pp 710,347,816 0 647 97
7 (#82,186) - brayden - 95.23% 2,523.26pp 132,199,874 0 77 60
8 (#85,709) o13 95.85% 2,435.06pp 412,655,569 0 234 190
9 (#108,497) natetheneet 94.99% 1,970.57pp 309,806,949 3 167 138
10 (#176,110) NyanCreeper 95.21% 1,160.28pp 562,347,980 0 172 348
11 (#213,859) DFKing16 94.08% 874.60pp 156,213,278 0 32 73
12 (#219,965) Retrofit 94.55% 837.73pp 165,114,074 3 76 65
13 (#283,111) Merikku 92.74% 515.73pp 107,203,826 0 23 42
14 (#325,495) praeludium 94.60% 360.78pp 77,645,691 0 35 37
15 (#353,447) -hanni 92.62% 279.26pp 21,440,207 0 15 6
16 (#392,745) ikea31 92.76% 191.48pp 33,309,675 0 15 12
17 (#189,447) Hawkzi 91.26% 153.55pp 66,876,374 0 8 16
18 (#431,063) Draken 72.14% 128.71pp 26,721,947 0 0 0
19 (#519,051) Sou_ 74.76% 48.58pp 9,355,167 0 0 2
20 (#543,438) Yoo6 78.85% 36.93pp 3,680,033 0 1 1
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