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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,555) sumyeon 99.82% 4,496.63pp 27,761,689,727 5,421 943 61
2 (#3,032) NyanCreeper 99.52% 3,969.06pp 10,687,203,464 278 1,756 959
3 (#6,556) o13 99.60% 2,247.82pp 1,178,319,275 141 379 36
4 (#21,045) Sou_ 99.07% 663.52pp 168,738,772 23 39 8
5 (#24,183) Stiwfwy 98.81% 519.19pp 52,461,920 4 21 8
6 (#40,156) Aurelian 94.06% 150.21pp 3,197,880 2 2 6
7 (#61,775) ikea31 95.31% 50.59pp 5,254,131 0 1 4
8 (#81,226) Merikku 95.28% 27.47pp 2,326,406 0 1 1
9 (#86,371) DFKing16 93.20% 24.11pp 538,854 0 1 0
10 (#296,308) Hawkzi 94.12% 22.58pp 633,204 0 0 2
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