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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,114) Gamelan4 98.22% 10,215.50pp 1,428,399,843 16 471 742
2 (#1,873) LimeDimeNine 98.45% 8,411.21pp 2,462,098,061 214 3,584 670
3 (#5,224) o13 98.26% 5,136.92pp 386,442,006 78 325 298
4 (#5,874) sumyeon 98.59% 4,802.10pp 1,012,657,740 3,222 827 385
5 (#11,320) AryHeart 97.95% 3,015.65pp 82,344,725 1 51 114
6 (#17,233) natetheneet 96.48% 2,052.36pp 52,977,732 8 39 100
7 (#18,391) inhe 98.29% 1,923.18pp 47,104,023 28 93 92
8 (#22,946) NyanCreeper 98.11% 1,527.63pp 36,725,193 27 107 68
9 (#27,009) Stiwfwy 97.05% 1,280.67pp 12,566,239 2 14 35
10 (#36,582) Draken 88.45% 891.29pp 19,441,349 0 8 16
11 (#42,017) Retrofit 95.61% 737.59pp 4,683,233 4 15 12
12 (#68,404) Aurelian 88.90% 332.32pp 1,115,956 0 2 7
13 (#88,736) praeludium 88.01% 205.57pp 1,362,758 0 1 2
14 (#104,860) DFKing16 76.22% 148.49pp 565,692 0 0 0
15 (#146,959) Staldyrr 75.39% 74.34pp 247,846 0 0 0
16 (#250,106) Sou_ 92.10% 19.85pp 13,764 0 0 1
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