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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,199) Hidoi 97.53% 12,694.20pp 8,591,449,555 44 502 1,041
2 (#3,813) Retrofit 98.37% 10,498.60pp 44,460,428,105 243 1,787 2,281
3 (#6,273) Wxlther 98.49% 9,607.35pp 9,618,877,013 41 284 581
4 (#7,203) AryHeart 99.06% 9,353.83pp 24,175,496,988 83 632 1,381
5 (#7,985) natetheneet 99.20% 9,154.58pp 115,564,999,766 307 2,859 5,734
6 (#8,536) LimeDimeNine 98.24% 9,035.10pp 167,897,861,851 6,669 6,721 3,426
7 (#9,418) Draken 98.86% 8,867.64pp 41,204,377,592 92 995 3,069
8 (#11,019) sumyeon 98.93% 8,603.74pp 95,386,589,536 7,541 4,329 1,947
9 (#15,049) praeludium 98.33% 8,056.18pp 42,797,854,726 112 1,576 4,945
10 (#16,606) -hanni 95.21% 7,872.70pp 2,047,657,632 11 102 392
11 (#18,036) Aerxia 99.17% 7,725.67pp 28,037,365,100 148 1,396 2,860
12 (#20,804) oil pan gasket 98.12% 7,473.93pp 31,109,745,078 50 1,027 2,416
13 (#23,148) frylum 98.83% 7,295.67pp 17,503,216,825 114 663 1,968
14 (#24,015) Hawkzi 98.99% 7,229.97pp 17,640,896,339 68 989 2,228
15 (#24,280) Choodness 98.88% 7,213.08pp 20,252,447,455 45 639 2,063
16 (#24,384) inhe 99.01% 7,207.13pp 30,634,599,126 190 1,685 2,012
17 (#25,891) - brayden - 98.59% 7,103.86pp 5,068,204,385 24 394 589
18 (#37,900) Gooseam 98.45% 6,449.40pp 9,669,545,000 30 302 1,262
19 (#38,955) Yoo6 98.18% 6,402.12pp 12,341,430,822 10 105 601
20 (#39,850) Merikku 98.52% 6,364.54pp 23,333,322,820 50 674 1,905
21 (#48,548) Chirey 98.80% 6,022.68pp 6,229,739,089 8 314 517
22 (#56,391) Plastiings 97.65% 5,757.84pp 17,212,422,900 7 497 1,204
23 (#60,840) kabma 97.56% 5,624.49pp 6,301,993,802 15 254 737
24 (#60,994) DFKing16 97.57% 5,619.77pp 11,199,299,340 4 271 1,561
25 (#63,265) ikea31 98.16% 5,558.00pp 8,608,429,763 46 416 723
26 (#66,560) Sou_ 97.27% 5,469.20pp 3,111,811,593 30 159 323
27 (#77,969) WinMine360 97.85% 5,197.69pp 2,499,250,324 7 174 584
28 (#160,414) N0qzo 97.20% 3,849.68pp 2,489,186,251 29 248 530
29 (#180,822) Torchyy 97.93% 3,617.48pp 6,516,666,035 3 192 1,324
30 (#181,997) o13 96.89% 3,604.21pp 3,283,713,639 49 296 662
31 (#183,312) Gamelan4 97.35% 3,592.56pp 2,120,978,011 9 138 393
32 (#284,316) FennyFen 95.94% 2,765.99pp 6,997,240,881 4 219 1,085
33 (#332,961) Aurelian 94.24% 2,479.17pp 2,772,362,453 68 242 504
34 (#410,947) NyanCreeper 96.53% 2,098.98pp 4,736,311,904 120 817 890
35 (#701,560) Staldyrr 88.73% 1,175.82pp 295,811,439 0 25 76
36 (#1,400,567) Cool Narrator 84.72% 279.63pp 43,347,779 0 1 8
37 (#1,443,739) Stiwfwy 93.12% 252.66pp 21,103,367 3 10 16
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