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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,498) Hidoi 97.72% 12,111.30pp 8,420,532,952 44 555 702
2 (#3,353) Retrofit 98.47% 10,594.70pp 44,388,440,423 240 1,885 1,847
3 (#6,650) AryHeart 99.01% 9,412.14pp 24,175,496,988 83 657 1,156
4 (#7,463) Wxlther 98.39% 9,205.62pp 8,885,345,802 40 282 450
5 (#7,810) natetheneet 99.24% 9,122.13pp 114,893,733,783 306 2,896 5,155
6 (#7,866) LimeDimeNine 98.19% 9,110.42pp 167,897,861,851 6,666 6,665 3,333
7 (#10,225) Draken 98.72% 8,673.45pp 39,849,414,792 83 1,040 2,402
8 (#10,457) sumyeon 98.96% 8,634.37pp 91,140,041,266 7,016 4,513 1,628
9 (#15,958) praeludium 98.60% 7,907.12pp 42,724,826,374 110 1,643 4,311
10 (#17,812) Aerxia 99.20% 7,714.94pp 28,030,670,420 148 1,431 2,388
11 (#19,910) oil pan gasket 98.19% 7,527.69pp 30,848,357,730 49 1,062 1,957
12 (#19,994) -hanni 95.61% 7,520.22pp 2,018,824,260 12 119 247
13 (#22,983) frylum 98.83% 7,283.77pp 17,491,585,357 113 685 1,658
14 (#23,852) inhe 99.05% 7,220.43pp 30,544,961,573 191 1,781 1,409
15 (#24,167) Hawkzi 99.05% 7,200.64pp 17,467,383,748 69 1,019 1,789
16 (#24,264) EpicGamerBells 98.54% 7,194.34pp 5,008,939,667 23 441 418
17 (#25,088) Choodness 98.88% 7,137.64pp 19,985,010,944 42 687 1,679
18 (#39,704) Gooseam 98.71% 6,374.51pp 9,666,306,249 28 311 1,051
19 (#41,995) Merikku 98.67% 6,281.29pp 23,307,641,793 51 708 1,471
20 (#48,454) Chirey 98.81% 6,044.82pp 6,229,739,089 8 340 424
21 (#54,480) [Capsaicin] 98.64% 5,846.83pp 20,813,593,251 269 1,914 1,667
22 (#62,149) Plastiings 97.87% 5,624.94pp 17,141,987,764 7 535 918
23 (#70,362) kabma 97.76% 5,421.30pp 6,285,488,821 15 280 532
24 (#71,973) Yoo6 98.45% 5,383.04pp 9,422,668,548 7 86 480
25 (#72,733) ikea31 98.01% 5,365.43pp 8,180,083,619 45 431 550
26 (#76,480) DFKing16 98.13% 5,285.70pp 10,200,726,991 4 313 887
27 (#81,631) WinMine360 97.79% 5,176.69pp 2,424,983,352 7 201 423
28 (#97,465) Sou_ 97.08% 4,880.43pp 2,638,999,308 29 168 208
29 (#177,308) N0qzo 97.61% 3,790.27pp 2,489,186,251 28 276 370
30 (#198,011) Torchyy 97.99% 3,585.14pp 6,516,666,035 3 226 809
31 (#204,988) Gamelan4 97.41% 3,521.58pp 2,120,978,011 9 162 252
32 (#209,832) o13 97.06% 3,477.75pp 3,283,713,639 48 313 443
33 (#384,067) Aurelian 95.16% 2,372.48pp 2,767,111,428 67 299 349
34 (#384,801) FennyFen 96.26% 2,369.24pp 6,997,240,881 4 238 834
35 (#455,719) NyanCreeper 97.07% 2,069.06pp 4,699,651,577 109 888 609
36 (#957,532) Staldyrr 90.44% 932.62pp 223,141,493 0 25 30
37 (#1,011,388) Ziwi 93.59% 869.43pp 74,950,265 6 33 38
38 (#2,260,036) Cool Narrator 86.54% 210.10pp 42,212,833 0 2 9
39 (#2,312,906) Stiwfwy 93.48% 197.79pp 19,322,255 2 11 6
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