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French SS Taiko club

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Axiaan 98.69% 17,567.78pp 257,058,417,911 53,441 3,275 705
2 Sevelik 99.53% 9,815.67pp 118,225,079,854 46,214 7,912 2,340
3 Lavanville 99.75% 9,714.46pp 87,191,868,468 21,591 3,417 4
4 Ykoris 99.44% 10,670.34pp 21,930,573,218 11,413 2,295 2,682
5 NinjaCoktail 97.25% 17,299.97pp 35,823,387,891 6,927 1,739 752
6 polemik victor 97.33% 8,239.94pp 6,050,446,425 2,783 3,734 1,885
7 Lyseria 98.49% 8,334.55pp 6,997,689,084 2,076 2,399 485
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