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French SS Taiko club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#20,621) Sevelik 100.00% 1,705.15pp 1,116,693,435 6,305 0 8
2 (#11,595) Lavanville 99.93% 2,958.70pp 2,092,616,251 5,690 575 0
3 (#1,605) Ykoris 99.24% 8,935.56pp 5,602,452,215 4,646 1,574 2,143
4 (#3,874) polemik victor 98.85% 6,075.23pp 3,774,235,553 2,340 3,201 1,702
5 (#8,401) NinjaCoktail 99.97% 3,798.65pp 825,911,012 2,148 30 27
6 (#5,858) Lyseria 97.25% 4,805.71pp 1,161,611,146 1,356 1,545 354
7 (#11,773) Axiaan 98.68% 2,926.43pp 114,803,596 429 182 57
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