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French SS Taiko club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#49,827) Sevelik 99.16% 5,978.59pp 101,491,035,203 32,098 3,799 2,300
2 (#505,502) Ykoris 99.64% 1,734.78pp 16,328,121,003 6,767 721 539
3 (#520,952) Lavanville 99.63% 1,682.15pp 7,397,288,748 5,240 60 4
4 (#96,160) Axiaan 98.85% 4,825.29pp 6,523,793,865 1,003 304 432
5 (#209,428) NinjaCoktail 98.13% 3,336.35pp 4,794,538,279 559 539 443
6 (#588,621) Lyseria 96.84% 1,471.89pp 1,219,682,354 194 228 126
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