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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Axiaan 98.69% 17,567.78pp 257,058,417,911 53,441 3,275 705
2 Sevelik 99.53% 9,815.67pp 118,225,079,854 46,214 7,912 2,340
3 Namazu 98.27% 12,394.81pp 128,345,978,567 40,796 3,593 2,526
4 Kitsuka 99.82% 10,176.44pp 184,381,404,617 26,399 2,835 0
5 Lavanville 99.75% 9,714.46pp 87,191,868,468 21,591 3,417 4
6 ERROR CODE 0x7A 97.50% 13,367.88pp 268,317,867,974 17,134 17,396 1,470
7 Hikona 97.26% 11,989.84pp 32,798,440,780 14,212 5,224 933
8 CelegaS 96.82% 23,840.81pp 176,849,371,254 9,966 2,472 1,113
9 Ferdthio 94.93% 8,984.10pp 41,240,935,459 8,677 1,710 354
10 NinjaCoktail 97.25% 17,299.97pp 35,823,387,891 6,927 1,739 752
11 Stindge 98.78% 11,444.87pp 40,036,572,325 5,919 325 422
12 Astreachan 99.39% 4,629.35pp 122,188,078,078 5,486 10,695 1,149
13 Airion 96.48% 15,744.05pp 194,008,459,254 5,400 5,766 664
14 Bidoof 97.43% 15,550.79pp 254,930,579,868 5,187 13,162 2,589
15 watimanare 97.21% 18,238.65pp 79,216,682,237 5,184 4,922 2,647
16 yoshibox 99.65% 9,564.89pp 65,907,427,037 4,892 1,287 1,686
17 Oku 99.71% 7,619.15pp 141,304,077,545 3,732 8,018 452
18 SHMELEBELEK 95.96% 3,972.10pp 7,336,119,041 3,648 219 248
19 Dask 97.25% 17,790.00pp 88,093,963,292 2,906 4,770 1,988
20 TheLordKiwi 89.41% 4,591.64pp 12,767,900,824 2,732 818 679
21 AgentYous 98.02% 34,276.60pp 66,122,700,672 2,583 6,267 2,947
22 monstratorfull 99.90% 16,242.60pp 160,558,009,961 2,459 4,613 101
23 Fuka Pura 99.82% 7,574.89pp 55,093,015,569 2,449 1,404 0
24 SkyBlazed 99.80% 10,536.10pp 33,983,178,017 2,343 1,184 68
25 Yaojima Chan 97.76% 4,449.29pp 19,317,399,445 2,183 2,058 292
26 Ttobas 98.02% 35,139.42pp 110,462,253,576 2,114 3,394 683
27 Badis 99.67% 9,624.57pp 69,283,043,474 2,068 4,326 177
28 Noulayfe 97.74% 15,713.63pp 72,621,246,583 1,625 2,393 160
29 TomyLeFaux 97.66% 18,318.11pp 28,156,621,293 1,565 1,593 581
30 45Traeath 99.89% 3,172.11pp 15,453,795,203 1,527 87 2
31 Khalemm 99.49% 5,806.44pp 29,912,914,795 1,495 1,727 43
32 Pizou 93.71% 9,497.57pp 116,226,958,425 1,489 9,653 356
33 Tuti- 97.63% 10,285.66pp 53,705,625,427 1,423 4,513 678
34 LegoTonix 91.86% 8,118.98pp 16,145,808,324 1,405 2,797 609
35 bastien 99.99% 1,622.55pp 4,379,531,701 1,403 165 6
36 Kenedy 96.94% 5,532.64pp 33,929,390,654 1,374 3,108 317
37 sammycom 81.39% 5,641.51pp 56,708,721,516 1,374 8,844 3,135
38 Shyeart 99.98% 10,572.80pp 80,734,297,029 1,307 2,562 51
39 Noctalium 98.65% 17,755.61pp 39,155,656,057 1,262 1,274 300
40 Boros 98.32% 23,076.22pp 151,032,994,426 1,044 6,743 675
41 Sakaii 99.98% 10,408.80pp 94,415,801,900 347 70 2
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