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French SS CTB club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#175,001) Namazu 97.03% 1,171.42pp 300,262,694 73 200 51
2 (#266,360) Sevelik 99.28% 588.43pp 4,175,873,809 58 4,096 29
3 (#262,255) ERROR CODE 0x7A 96.16% 609.36pp 187,852,289 30 110 29
4 (#162,633) Tuti- 96.28% 1,288.07pp 690,617,865 25 470 260
5 (#232,393) Kitsuka 99.64% 764.04pp 2,752,680,779 14 2,834 0
6 (#22,013) Axiaan 98.00% 5,318.83pp 2,886,618,840 9 2,789 216
7 (#26,947) Hikona 95.61% 4,870.29pp 4,346,082,562 8 4,327 185
8 (#357,044) SHMELEBELEK 95.31% 271.28pp 69,925,319 6 36 28
9 (#461,172) Ferdthio 91.11% 93.29pp 23,420,198 1 3 15
10 (#221,726) Lavanville 99.64% 826.86pp 2,695,299,582 1 2,712 0
11 (#256,511) Pizou 91.24% 159.39pp 15,801,541 0 7 8
12 (#85,862) TomyLeFaux 96.24% 2,433.55pp 215,707,311 0 134 88
13 (#107,770) watimanare 95.61% 1,983.01pp 1,602,999,483 0 1,230 473
14 (#15,964) AgentYous 96.51% 6,046.76pp 2,457,232,504 0 1,989 606
15 (#263,578) Dask 95.53% 601.30pp 203,891,343 0 151 33
16 (#235,747) Airion 94.79% 743.87pp 253,605,790 0 140 102
17 (#50,724) CelegaS 95.47% 3,547.34pp 678,547,118 0 515 191
18 (#67,349) NinjaCoktail 95.06% 2,944.42pp 981,342,360 0 891 238
19 (#529,308) TheLordKiwi 83.82% 35.28pp 24,453,333 0 3 5
20 (#222,614) Yaojima Chan 96.39% 821.46pp 631,234,159 0 570 88
21 (#83,815) Noulayfe 95.55% 2,483.33pp 294,666,505 0 188 80
22 (#310,576) sammycom 77.34% 412.56pp 201,532,973 0 0 1
23 (#117,312) Bidoof 95.40% 1,830.20pp 1,030,129,834 0 990 98
24 (#137,694) Kenedy 94.15% 1,556.81pp 1,004,802,844 0 773 268
25 (#16,589) Ttobas 96.49% 5,956.52pp 701,601,534 0 664 49
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