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French SS CTB club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#35,360) Namazu 99.33% 6,570.54pp 126,726,530,803 38,600 2,959 2,305
2 (#49,827) Sevelik 99.16% 5,978.59pp 101,491,035,203 32,098 3,799 2,300
3 (#520,952) Lavanville 99.63% 1,682.15pp 7,397,288,748 5,240 60 4
4 (#11,775) Bidoof 99.37% 8,482.64pp 242,362,541,834 3,770 11,296 2,466
5 (#16,296) yoshibox 99.30% 7,908.10pp 61,174,235,725 3,392 1,287 1,686
6 (#193,303) Hikona 98.36% 3,491.39pp 5,270,526,559 3,202 533 606
7 (#149,001) TheLordKiwi 99.31% 3,991.82pp 12,737,872,489 2,731 808 663
8 (#96,160) Axiaan 98.85% 4,825.29pp 6,523,793,865 1,003 304 432
9 (#102,221) AgentYous 99.32% 4,713.04pp 11,722,636,281 596 1,312 1,514
10 (#209,428) NinjaCoktail 98.13% 3,336.35pp 4,794,538,279 559 539 443
11 (#14,841) watimanare 99.01% 8,080.04pp 44,462,421,342 409 2,750 1,758
12 (#523,854) Ferdthio 98.70% 1,672.38pp 992,920,560 333 387 163
13 (#72,684) Dask 98.38% 5,320.30pp 15,626,986,761 308 1,489 1,506
14 (#749,027) SHMELEBELEK 93.25% 1,071.15pp 956,723,920 193 182 216
15 (#659,584) ERROR CODE 0x7A 97.60% 1,278.10pp 976,043,701 156 357 221
16 (#129,566) CelegaS 98.04% 4,265.21pp 7,232,846,848 80 688 799
17 (#27,986) Ttobas 99.13% 6,974.80pp 4,755,620,503 70 306 558
18 (#270,627) Pizou 99.09% 946.64pp 1,454,421,436 64 873 322
19 (#192,339) Stindge 97.69% 3,501.14pp 2,086,102,909 52 256 422
20 (#412,879) Airion 96.51% 2,090.98pp 1,575,966,085 44 334 343
21 (#1,052,457) Yaojima Chan 98.53% 587.50pp 126,224,320 37 81 68
22 (#70,529) TomyLeFaux 98.31% 5,372.76pp 4,254,279,944 34 500 380
23 (#721,677) LegoTonix 84.26% 1,130.49pp 312,607,883 31 90 154
24 (#1,230,444) sammycom 76.99% 407.21pp 23,478,417 0 0 1
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