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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,524) Axiaan 100.00% 4,497.23pp 247,533,201,610 52,000 0 0
2 (#692) Kitsuka 100.00% 9,412.40pp 181,628,723,838 26,429 0 0
3 (#622) ERROR CODE 0x7A 99.64% 10,002.90pp 254,811,416,523 16,439 16,078 1,148
4 (#3,357) Hikona 99.46% 3,628.16pp 23,181,831,659 11,003 366 141
5 (#2,735) Lavanville 99.95% 4,246.74pp 74,658,027,117 10,636 69 0
6 (#210) CelegaS 99.93% 14,359.30pp 163,734,593,945 9,782 1,200 78
7 (#1,534) Ferdthio 99.55% 6,341.29pp 39,958,220,576 8,385 1,195 143
8 (#10,105) Sevelik 99.96% 1,543.50pp 11,441,477,407 7,754 17 2
9 (#1,030) Stindge 99.88% 7,943.73pp 37,561,640,628 5,854 69 0
10 (#2,412) Astreachan 99.39% 4,629.35pp 121,286,368,206 5,512 10,551 1,133
11 (#293) Airion 99.85% 12,909.10pp 191,915,653,009 5,359 5,276 214
12 (#1,675) watimanare 99.51% 6,014.85pp 33,071,139,132 4,763 857 268
13 (#1,222) NinjaCoktail 99.85% 7,220.55pp 29,216,505,132 4,266 273 1
14 (#1,108) Oku 99.71% 7,619.15pp 141,049,769,993 3,726 8,012 449
15 (#555) Sakaii 99.98% 10,397.20pp 94,394,036,622 3,554 3,348 99
16 (#5,179) SHMELEBELEK 100.00% 2,629.67pp 6,309,469,802 3,444 2 4
17 (#124) monstratorfull 99.90% 16,219.90pp 160,457,662,793 2,463 4,601 100
18 (#1,126) Fuka Pura 99.82% 7,574.88pp 55,059,805,490 2,449 1,402 0
19 (#655) Dask 99.77% 9,707.08pp 71,937,046,210 2,358 2,619 338
20 (#541) SkyBlazed 99.81% 10,479.80pp 33,781,572,467 2,349 1,164 70
21 (#7,939) Yaojima Chan 99.80% 1,898.33pp 18,535,066,414 2,143 1,328 80
22 (#13) Ttobas 99.99% 22,208.10pp 105,005,031,539 2,073 2,399 72
23 (#669) Badis 99.67% 9,624.57pp 69,283,043,474 2,069 4,325 177
24 (#289) AgentYous 99.92% 13,002.90pp 49,745,340,415 1,929 1,770 189
25 (#6,855) Namazu 99.89% 2,142.65pp 1,190,844,015 1,822 205 47
26 (#296) Noulayfe 99.94% 12,873.30pp 71,733,807,467 1,633 2,184 76
27 (#4,059) 45Traeath 99.89% 3,172.11pp 15,453,795,203 1,541 75 0
28 (#536) TomyLeFaux 99.87% 10,511.80pp 23,563,668,426 1,527 955 113
29 (#1,763) Khalemm 99.49% 5,806.29pp 29,583,979,343 1,500 1,694 41
30 (#9,274) yoshibox 100.00% 1,656.79pp 4,729,538,042 1,498 0 0
31 (#952) Pizou 99.63% 8,192.22pp 114,266,122,880 1,440 8,691 4
32 (#2,038) Bidoof 99.56% 5,237.95pp 11,537,908,200 1,420 886 17
33 (#9,500) bastien 99.99% 1,622.50pp 4,347,580,457 1,402 165 6
34 (#1,462) Tuti- 99.61% 6,510.52pp 52,611,854,660 1,386 3,866 277
35 (#1,298) LegoTonix 99.47% 6,988.49pp 15,817,868,660 1,376 2,699 457
36 (#2,475) sammycom 99.26% 4,550.77pp 56,463,679,400 1,375 8,839 3,135
37 (#2,984) Kenedy 99.73% 3,975.83pp 32,924,587,810 1,374 2,334 50
38 (#530) Shyeart 99.98% 10,572.80pp 80,734,297,029 1,304 2,563 51
39 (#166) Noctalium 99.88% 15,325.40pp 39,054,276,036 1,268 1,122 182
40 (#51) Boros 99.89% 18,600.20pp 150,589,232,672 1,091 6,533 158
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