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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#21,282) TGGD 97.39% 5,386.19pp 807,452,244 0 945 21
2 (#23,581) abraker 96.06% 5,161.94pp 7,803,931,961 0 7,306 1,037
3 (#30,775) Stomiks 97.50% 4,586.08pp 1,118,788,972 0 1,000 226
4 (#32,616) keremaru 97.42% 4,466.09pp 1,692,543,009 0 1,550 257
5 (#72,874) DM FOR MUTUAL 96.90% 2,773.30pp 673,094,619 0 571 157
6 (#112,063) Patatitta 92.71% 1,909.72pp 145,080,145 0 25 75
7 (#143,389) Corne2Plum3 95.22% 1,489.27pp 268,069,827 0 153 105
8 (#368,321) [ Sebastian ] 94.12% 242.33pp 29,835,334 0 22 6
9 (#385,650) [[[[[[ 84.36% 205.27pp 26,316,953 0 4 12
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