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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#621) Patatitta 99.66% 10,049.30pp 20,619,218,499 154 1,558 708
2 (#770) [ Sebastian ] 99.69% 8,972.48pp 20,152,391,167 1,615 1,567 258
3 (#4,633) keremaru 99.52% 2,889.54pp 6,121,098,432 299 771 264
4 (#9,773) Puck_ 99.79% 1,611.01pp 764,785,652 25 41 2
5 (#10,167) DM FOR MUTUAL 99.54% 1,563.53pp 477,897,572 81 144 59
6 (#18,724) Corne2Plum3 99.25% 797.59pp 257,828,898 9 91 42
7 (#21,478) TGGD 98.63% 640.84pp 82,578,348 4 31 6
8 (#22,303) [[[[[[ 98.16% 602.34pp 65,922,648 8 48 31
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