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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#209) TGGD 98.35% 14,487.30pp 4,209,226,171 153 1,872 1,121
2 (#2,909) Puck_ 99.30% 6,977.24pp 338,794,815 42 285 54
3 (#6,045) synthwavesquid 98.68% 4,733.82pp 1,537,743,985 45 1,156 970
4 (#7,470) keremaru 95.69% 4,129.04pp 436,082,405 2 231 356
5 (#9,218) Patatitta 97.55% 3,555.27pp 207,932,074 2 95 272
6 (#19,752) Corne2Plum3 97.69% 1,802.30pp 62,955,455 11 78 111
7 (#45,162) [ Sebastian ] 94.37% 675.32pp 2,606,595 6 12 4
8 (#47,467) DM FOR MUTUAL 93.64% 626.48pp 3,172,357 2 3 15
9 (#75,836) [[[[[[ 65.22% 282.15pp 1,522,986 0 2 1
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