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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#7,373) DM FOR MUTUAL 98.34% 9,303.26pp 26,143,031,271 42 543 2,328
2 (#79,156) Corne2Plum3 99.07% 5,169.63pp 32,641,589,562 280 2,245 2,097
3 (#89,020) Puck_ 98.94% 4,962.89pp 5,231,610,161 14 318 687
4 (#94,462) Aireunaeus 98.86% 4,857.37pp 20,760,823,773 188 1,425 2,650
5 (#147,203) Manishh 97.98% 4,014.75pp 4,186,862,431 8 272 817
6 (#174,951) [[[[[[ 97.73% 3,680.10pp 16,039,967,487 96 1,175 1,726
7 (#286,551) Patatitta 93.07% 2,750.11pp 2,610,358,766 6 102 346
8 (#305,383) abraker 97.41% 2,634.41pp 12,880,122,790 213 1,819 1,732
9 (#356,698) keremaru 96.26% 2,352.99pp 2,471,019,451 30 255 774
10 (#526,052) Stomiks 89.79% 1,663.55pp 786,625,753 2 7 82
11 (#528,607) TGGD 97.54% 1,654.89pp 378,031,704 23 99 106
12 (#619,696) [ Sebastian ] 94.99% 1,381.61pp 389,757,031 103 176 71
13 (#1,048,864) synthwavesquid 98.24% 590.40pp 279,774,548 10 109 67
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