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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 TGGD 97.96% 22,285.83pp 5,438,128,893 235 2,887 1,109
2 Patatitta 95.13% 18,462.36pp 23,570,609,801 170 1,826 1,202
3 keremaru 97.67% 14,316.35pp 10,609,697,227 402 2,868 1,060
4 DM FOR MUTUAL 97.33% 14,156.18pp 27,297,195,819 128 1,347 1,935
5 Puck_ 88.59% 13,868.95pp 6,339,182,505 81 688 508
6 [ Sebastian ] 95.86% 10,990.78pp 20,387,893,078 1,715 1,754 313
7 Corne2Plum3 96.99% 9,037.40pp 31,693,087,588 299 2,612 1,892
8 abraker 97.52% 8,941.54pp 21,530,588,712 1,380 9,041 2,119
9 synthwavesquid 97.03% 6,708.69pp 1,879,885,243 59 1,293 858
10 Stomiks 92.79% 6,470.52pp 1,912,544,808 18 1,058 214
11 Aireunaeus 81.46% 5,437.79pp 20,721,110,254 191 1,519 2,142
12 [[[[[[ 85.99% 4,467.43pp 15,501,847,830 107 1,352 1,115
13 Manishh 97.95% 4,163.83pp 4,230,773,084 10 312 590
14 ghoulybits 95.85% 3,363.67pp 493,494,533 1 376 232
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