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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 TGGD 97.87% 21,871.42pp 5,457,261,497 180 2,939 1,252
2 Patatitta 95.10% 18,264.40pp 23,582,589,484 162 1,780 1,401
3 DM FOR MUTUAL 97.33% 14,264.77pp 27,297,195,819 125 1,261 2,559
4 keremaru 97.59% 13,837.66pp 10,720,743,297 331 2,807 1,651
5 Puck_ 99.45% 13,551.14pp 6,335,190,628 81 644 743
6 [ Sebastian ] 95.65% 11,271.74pp 20,574,590,127 1,724 1,777 339
7 Corne2Plum3 97.02% 9,258.79pp 33,230,443,742 300 2,567 2,355
8 abraker 96.74% 7,796.35pp 20,684,054,751 213 9,125 2,769
9 Stomiks 93.64% 6,249.63pp 1,905,414,725 2 1,007 308
10 synthwavesquid 98.46% 5,323.92pp 1,794,509,519 55 1,257 1,020
11 Aireunaeus 98.86% 4,857.37pp 20,760,823,773 188 1,425 2,650
12 [[[[[[ 87.09% 4,769.86pp 16,133,730,074 104 1,229 1,770
13 Manishh 97.98% 4,014.75pp 4,186,862,431 8 272 817
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