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Sosh’s Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1) mrekk 97.95% 30,447.50pp 112,346,015,722 64 1,526 2,020
2 (#28) WhiteCat 98.63% 20,308.10pp 36,189,496,614 71 629 1,166
3 (#65) chocomint 99.39% 18,460.80pp 98,684,760,383 247 1,281 957
4 (#146) dench 98.04% 16,906.40pp 52,550,868,454 37 794 1,623
5 (#195) BTMC 98.94% 16,270.10pp 152,468,164,296 151 2,379 2,451
6 (#708) Kryterion 99.30% 13,670.20pp 48,533,638,086 179 1,313 1,955
7 (#1,222) Hugofrost 97.34% 12,652.30pp 23,924,091,611 132 856 1,506
8 (#348,142) Alexosh10 93.73% 2,399.63pp 1,696,449,089 25 281 375
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