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Sosh’s Leaderboard

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 mrekk 93.88% 30,744.89pp 105,032,964,372 63 1,572 1,659
2 aetrna 96.35% 23,518.89pp 21,590,860,945 151 1,122 1,292
3 Kryterion 96.76% 21,784.19pp 47,506,621,464 226 1,798 1,734
4 WhiteCat 98.61% 19,844.80pp 33,712,756,022 65 568 932
5 dench 95.45% 19,495.95pp 52,618,313,417 40 894 1,441
6 Vaxei 99.18% 18,588.60pp 70,932,873,951 93 1,163 1,251
7 chocomint 99.43% 18,098.70pp 98,684,760,383 246 1,295 902
8 BTMC 98.85% 16,124.20pp 150,291,975,999 147 2,437 2,079
9 Hugofrost 97.33% 12,508.40pp 23,923,856,275 132 921 1,179
10 Alexosh10 95.89% 2,164.94pp 1,371,921,038 19 316 218
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