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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,401) Niko_Plays 97.58% 9,529.26pp 4,070,518,267 166 3,613 398
2 (#12,086) shinitaichan 96.07% 6,726.42pp 42,115,168,049 276 39,659 4,958
3 (#28,917) kitafuma 95.89% 4,719.13pp 336,586,689 2 282 81
4 (#43,692) 4sbet1 95.12% 3,861.18pp 144,579,775 1 77 63
5 (#77,285) giyokon 97.38% 2,650.80pp 135,096,138 4 119 5
6 (#90,774) Drecksackblase 94.69% 2,319.30pp 1,086,308,764 0 532 547
7 (#180,321) Treekii 95.90% 1,124.76pp 453,123,088 0 251 207
8 (#251,965) Eliaaas 94.92% 657.70pp 177,472,238 0 101 73
9 (#265,333) XOlifreX 94.94% 593.25pp 108,853,364 0 52 48
10 (#333,155) _knots 96.06% 338.16pp 77,720,284 16 38 18
11 (#374,241) Gara 94.43% 228.70pp 42,695,856 0 23 10
12 (#397,103) goink 81.78% 183.28pp 24,171,526 0 3 5
13 (#403,783) reflection 87.98% 171.42pp 15,400,810 0 2 5
14 (#479,051) Metzo 87.89% 75.95pp 14,379,808 0 5 6
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