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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#92) ElSkeffe 99.90% 17,125.60pp 67,218,008,861 714 2,387 416
2 (#823) Christan 99.52% 8,621.33pp 18,222,129,571 121 1,231 202
3 (#1,020) shinitaichan 99.50% 8,014.94pp 236,341,936,984 10,074 17,121 2,476
4 (#3,946) Drecksackblase 99.52% 3,273.80pp 3,908,107,158 24 677 352
5 (#4,644) _knots 99.23% 2,883.28pp 908,106,892 40 268 149
6 (#5,721) Player- 99.78% 2,481.35pp 3,518,650,659 401 326 0
7 (#7,176) Niko_Plays 98.68% 2,095.29pp 962,996,225 32 193 280
8 (#7,235) Metzo 99.61% 2,083.27pp 1,109,838,615 27 254 214
9 (#8,812) giyokon 99.41% 1,763.12pp 450,647,325 137 46 17
10 (#9,308) goink 98.96% 1,682.41pp 586,082,824 29 170 77
11 (#11,699) XOlifreX 99.27% 1,373.24pp 629,173,247 15 125 46
12 (#12,334) Futile 99.64% 1,304.70pp 374,908,821 18 94 37
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