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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#55) Tyronix 96.09% 19,278.70pp 3,504,803,782 1 3,088 620
2 (#76) UmmmMrMoo 96.67% 18,229.10pp 2,549,580,084 0 2,481 128
3 (#142) Tsunakko 96.42% 16,722.60pp 1,544,266,542 0 1,355 349
4 (#195) Longe 96.82% 15,788.50pp 1,670,894,083 0 1,252 305
5 (#221) [RUE]Clamati 96.67% 15,529.10pp 2,443,337,182 1 1,096 93
6 (#290) Nepijin 98.52% 14,888.40pp 936,377,978 1 857 138
7 (#292) nadavv 96.19% 14,854.60pp 8,335,994,799 1 8,330 366
8 (#342) RevVoJH 96.11% 14,420.80pp 1,915,466,277 0 1,719 365
9 (#513) Saugage 95.58% 13,386.30pp 1,743,941,919 0 784 1,028
10 (#833) [GS]Teo 96.38% 12,406.70pp 1,075,668,207 3 954 194
11 (#870) Torru 94.82% 12,322.40pp 1,150,972,983 0 925 452
12 (#1,106) DeltaNami 95.47% 11,823.00pp 4,192,951,901 3 3,979 467
13 (#1,313) Xyphoes 95.40% 11,426.80pp 1,010,689,997 0 562 522
14 (#1,488) Tree Palm 96.32% 11,155.20pp 2,898,643,294 0 2,817 273
15 (#1,599) Jerichooo 95.20% 11,017.70pp 872,156,488 0 638 313
16 (#1,860) AdamAckerville 97.60% 10,711.70pp 1,487,297,303 6 1,392 144
17 (#2,085) [GS]Astra 97.64% 10,493.90pp 1,375,747,123 0 1,273 120
18 (#2,350) monochroma 96.47% 10,265.50pp 1,006,658,295 3 802 264
19 (#2,436) lonelyweeb03 97.10% 10,199.30pp 1,858,632,296 3 1,832 165
20 (#2,482) RubiksImplosion 95.72% 10,160.40pp 3,988,030,659 5 3,342 877
21 (#3,471) aurusei 96.46% 9,491.62pp 1,097,294,309 0 799 374
22 (#3,909) Bashua 96.83% 9,238.24pp 870,225,797 0 755 138
23 (#4,406) UnCraftable 96.74% 9,002.18pp 1,214,151,084 0 1,175 118
24 (#4,842) EternalDrain 96.94% 8,794.31pp 1,397,064,005 0 1,110 404
25 (#9,240) Panero 96.51% 7,388.99pp 1,049,142,671 0 743 372
26 (#10,011) Girls Last Tour 96.84% 7,202.00pp 906,918,043 0 765 181
27 (#16,204) enscribe 96.45% 6,013.94pp 336,682,099 0 239 138
28 (#18,690) Taje 96.46% 5,672.60pp 593,065,725 0 218 105
29 (#23,494) iced latte 96.45% 5,169.42pp 219,348,578 0 171 67
30 (#25,769) SharCookie 97.82% 4,969.72pp 452,891,053 0 394 91
31 (#38,475) ExThird 96.01% 4,127.72pp 896,393,798 0 598 322
32 (#39,826) -Imperial- 95.62% 4,056.26pp 442,747,240 0 272 223
33 (#50,044) -Cocoa 95.24% 3,573.45pp 737,186,672 0 517 296
34 (#53,100) Pristine 96.66% 3,445.43pp 718,031,908 0 524 212
35 (#54,212) tilda 96.19% 3,402.03pp 297,933,322 0 268 43
36 (#73,484) Tatze 95.72% 2,755.19pp 130,923,993 0 70 69
37 (#78,715) Ukii_Chan 93.52% 2,612.36pp 162,132,904 0 51 81
38 (#89,529) echoeee 96.05% 2,347.89pp 154,654,844 5 90 46
39 (#99,729) Koxiuuu 96.22% 2,130.00pp 572,030,392 0 398 138
40 (#104,568) Shaun 94.26% 2,038.70pp 201,681,853 0 37 118
41 (#109,063) RocketeerRover 96.43% 1,959.15pp 71,075,568 0 63 13
42 (#133,579) Goaw 95.56% 1,607.23pp 116,303,907 0 58 46
43 (#175,574) one of the 95.70% 1,164.53pp 242,170,042 0 216 41
44 (#192,015) littlehalo 95.22% 1,029.44pp 142,442,330 0 98 40
45 (#258,983) BATBALL 94.63% 623.14pp 62,222,588 0 35 27
46 (#289,282) Cay 90.49% 490.32pp 30,584,803 0 5 13
47 (#310,313) Raybean 93.74% 412.02pp 78,923,005 0 23 16
48 (#334,267) Shift 91.15% 333.46pp 39,705,833 0 12 20
49 (#399,922) ajmosca 81.20% 178.15pp 14,409,222 0 3 5
50 (#419,496) Toro Inoue 78.62% 144.73pp 20,632,194 0 2 3
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