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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,202) Koxiuuu 99.64% 7,319.37pp 7,693,036,681 308 715 206
2 (#3,809) Lelloq 99.02% 3,365.43pp 1,651,477,851 19 355 173
3 (#8,700) littlehalo 99.86% 1,784.79pp 486,710,086 81 107 18
4 (#10,632) tilda 99.57% 1,506.80pp 754,633,649 51 246 116
5 (#10,988) GYGY 98.53% 1,460.38pp 377,251,841 3 67 89
6 (#11,485) Raybean 99.43% 1,397.42pp 739,629,993 23 216 105
7 (#12,020) MattyIce 99.00% 1,338.23pp 214,955,930 5 94 38
8 (#13,460) suqce 99.37% 1,193.16pp 157,771,577 24 49 7
9 (#13,992) aurusei 98.90% 1,145.15pp 154,812,506 7 51 52
10 (#15,991) -Cocoa 98.68% 984.80pp 205,587,590 4 52 52
11 (#17,891) Panero 97.44% 851.70pp 111,129,353 0 21 78
12 (#19,360) Tsunakko 98.30% 759.17pp 91,015,754 1 28 55
13 (#19,667) Pristine 99.10% 740.80pp 72,331,048 24 23 7
14 (#23,655) pauloreb28 99.33% 540.51pp 109,221,444 5 52 9
15 (#24,864) DeltaNami 96.92% 488.75pp 52,002,384 1 21 17
16 (#30,460) Shaun 70.69% 310.69pp 63,825,983 3 6 5
17 (#35,044) UmmmMrMoo 89.66% 217.78pp 6,708,674 1 6 3
18 (#40,655) Toro Inoue 89.29% 143.93pp 32,045,160 0 2 1
19 (#42,181) echoeee 88.62% 130.66pp 5,827,738 2 2 1
20 (#44,725) BATBALL 94.82% 111.16pp 8,040,170 3 6 4
21 (#82,050) Nymbus 77.14% 26.99pp 3,993,509 0 1 0
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