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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#623) MattyIce 97.95% 11,716.10pp 3,858,909,290 39 1,287 1,271
2 (#1,155) -Undefined- 98.10% 10,087.80pp 2,425,022,137 27 504 1,317
3 (#2,208) AdamAckerville 98.27% 7,848.86pp 562,904,028 2 65 406
4 (#3,339) pauloreb28 98.12% 6,514.39pp 586,421,848 1 219 536
5 (#5,908) nadavv 97.89% 4,784.16pp 549,097,225 269 1,063 116
6 (#7,386) Koxiuuu 97.33% 4,145.67pp 120,216,784 4 88 152
7 (#7,994) Nymbus 99.05% 3,917.27pp 124,725,514 3 92 102
8 (#9,654) Torru 98.23% 3,415.15pp 104,868,635 7 49 173
9 (#10,683) Tsunakko 97.52% 3,156.44pp 111,538,085 3 44 179
10 (#13,668) Pristine 97.90% 2,565.87pp 71,720,283 8 100 86
11 (#16,358) DeltaNami 96.85% 2,157.10pp 38,638,093 4 39 59
12 (#16,534) RubiksImplosion 96.37% 2,133.99pp 27,403,357 4 10 57
13 (#30,130) Raybean 96.23% 1,130.46pp 24,433,131 1 44 36
14 (#31,973) EternalDrain 93.65% 1,056.81pp 14,645,023 0 18 33
15 (#33,403) Panero 93.71% 1,000.52pp 10,561,685 1 7 27
16 (#34,507) Toro Inoue 90.83% 959.23pp 5,528,585 1 8 9
17 (#34,561) enscribe 92.96% 958.63pp 5,130,890 2 8 10
18 (#36,607) BATBALL 96.44% 889.08pp 3,591,629 4 24 9
19 (#45,008) SharCookie 88.58% 666.17pp 4,464,965 0 1 13
20 (#47,222) -Cocoa 84.30% 619.66pp 3,887,211 0 1 4
21 (#48,359) -Imperial- 84.09% 596.71pp 2,992,661 0 6 5
22 (#50,182) tilda 88.66% 563.08pp 3,185,971 2 10 4
23 (#52,389) Shaun 49.29% 524.99pp 2,679,688 0 3 3
24 (#54,946) monochroma 90.86% 486.59pp 2,186,723 1 5 8
25 (#58,635) UnCraftable 77.85% 434.90pp 2,331,486 0 2 5
26 (#58,968) Bashua 88.74% 430.76pp 2,209,540 0 1 9
27 (#72,198) echoeee 81.64% 301.43pp 1,680,193 1 2 3
28 (#77,951) lonelyweeb03 85.96% 261.37pp 3,479,144 1 2 6
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