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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#18) Trent 99.99% 21,537.50pp 76,157,084,794 653 243 83
2 (#29) Dahcreeper 99.62% 20,304.10pp 35,178,430,205 447 1,819 730
3 (#165) Abstract- 99.90% 15,435.30pp 995,825,480,239 52,006 20,336 150
4 (#172) Edgar_Figaro 99.92% 15,274.90pp 200,838,758,689 6,084 4,394 43
5 (#575) [GS]Rose 99.73% 10,295.60pp 7,407,933,859 11 309 321
6 (#613) Toaph Daddy 99.74% 10,091.70pp 5,999,680,549 32 372 196
7 (#876) Kinovia 99.73% 8,443.96pp 7,738,199,920 249 425 198
8 (#1,020) shinitaichan 99.50% 8,014.94pp 236,341,936,984 10,074 17,121 2,476
9 (#1,031) [ Kukuru ] 99.49% 7,971.93pp 3,459,118,816 36 379 89
10 (#1,585) ERA Nikolai 99.60% 6,259.14pp 42,900,170,052 1,224 2,362 473
11 (#1,631) Asmira 99.50% 6,161.82pp 1,948,168,011 61 291 146
12 (#1,984) Informous 99.16% 5,381.99pp 2,380,155,130 4 319 301
13 (#2,014) cheese salad 99.47% 5,324.44pp 2,197,872,872 31 277 47
14 (#2,195) mithew 99.44% 4,989.31pp 2,045,439,280 18 270 104
15 (#2,197) Daisycutter 99.23% 4,984.82pp 2,664,556,024 124 247 74
16 (#2,255) afrono 99.14% 4,889.29pp 4,460,731,606 28 592 916
17 (#2,381) DecadenceX3 99.22% 4,727.35pp 5,776,090,849 67 613 508
18 (#2,869) Playboi Carti 98.99% 4,133.36pp 2,576,693,291 17 294 263
19 (#2,874) [G O D] 98.91% 4,126.29pp 2,877,170,832 9 305 288
20 (#2,901) Mathyu 99.58% 4,088.76pp 1,029,725,318 59 234 77
21 (#2,941) tatatat 99.41% 4,053.73pp 1,736,871,715 85 432 175
22 (#3,386) Hades 98.94% 3,636.05pp 1,777,116,902 51 245 297
23 (#3,470) Num5119 99.25% 3,582.67pp 2,023,035,245 22 316 214
24 (#3,473) KcHecKa 99.56% 3,581.40pp 5,214,787,869 795 369 112
25 (#3,643) USA-KEAK 99.39% 3,467.38pp 2,524,262,750 58 362 76
26 (#3,855) toro_ro 98.94% 3,338.29pp 1,358,131,065 6 192 221
27 (#3,892) blu 99.57% 3,310.56pp 1,724,506,129 1,004 330 44
28 (#4,008) Mimorin 99.74% 3,235.21pp 2,995,501,834 41 422 58
29 (#4,416) tights 99.03% 2,995.47pp 798,515,181 31 177 80
30 (#4,779) qwp 99.55% 2,826.69pp 1,117,701,461 48 171 97
31 (#5,305) Neoplex28 99.06% 2,610.39pp 1,972,433,672 14 308 454
32 (#5,372) Mokha 99.17% 2,587.53pp 530,773,058 4 87 58
33 (#5,421) AndreDubs 99.63% 2,572.09pp 2,986,553,775 39 411 223
34 (#5,940) choc 98.44% 2,412.80pp 1,399,361,034 33 349 226
35 (#5,944) Onii San 98.51% 2,411.62pp 689,617,379 13 82 152
36 (#5,956) Plushsune 99.27% 2,406.88pp 1,185,698,796 33 181 188
37 (#6,260) MrEffigy 99.47% 2,327.04pp 1,974,726,783 63 296 71
38 (#6,508) JakeshoreZ 99.38% 2,261.77pp 833,802,229 32 197 105
39 (#7,238) KakuDip 99.22% 2,082.92pp 467,888,074 14 129 78
40 (#7,347) StayHighKids 98.71% 2,057.43pp 375,215,115 3 73 85
41 (#7,436) meatslab 99.45% 2,039.52pp 846,306,357 50 261 47
42 (#7,686) ERA Basil 98.98% 1,989.00pp 488,873,952 168 160 142
43 (#7,834) mysticSilence 98.33% 1,956.24pp 758,751,079 13 132 263
44 (#7,931) TheKingSol 99.37% 1,933.71pp 452,940,671 4 91 20
45 (#8,233) RemiFlan 99.62% 1,870.97pp 4,202,154,925 128 382 63
46 (#8,479) Lucid 99.65% 1,823.34pp 1,262,101,913 357 332 65
47 (#8,532) ERA Zenith 99.55% 1,814.33pp 535,610,252 50 255 54
48 (#8,969) Kagari201 99.37% 1,735.58pp 1,441,996,508 42 337 170
49 (#9,142) CryogenicFrost 99.44% 1,704.90pp 910,314,885 25 250 90
50 (#9,163) Ballesta 99.35% 1,701.88pp 1,290,932,810 37 283 145
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