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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#104) Naverlyn 96.98% 15,957.40pp 3,991,763,371 15 1,105 1,286
2 (#185) Blerargh 99.22% 14,774.10pp 2,192,055,245 48 685 521
3 (#195) awdse22 99.04% 14,651.40pp 3,073,298,444 94 564 1,761
4 (#277) XK2238 98.72% 13,838.20pp 4,372,817,816 329 2,104 985
5 (#371) Prehistoria 98.67% 13,027.20pp 2,384,333,418 0 361 1,170
6 (#395) Jerry 97.76% 12,827.10pp 2,598,841,297 227 2,107 521
7 (#899) -DEVN 96.80% 10,773.30pp 712,981,707 1 64 328
8 (#1,069) tzechi 98.65% 10,342.40pp 782,400,590 31 215 308
9 (#1,279) MashedPotato 96.61% 9,732.48pp 370,015,266 0 46 277
10 (#1,418) ZYuan 97.82% 9,358.60pp 1,058,481,726 40 391 513
11 (#1,454) Cryolien 98.78% 9,281.82pp 702,589,649 13 291 178
12 (#1,861) TheFunk 98.15% 8,447.07pp 682,295,353 10 505 184
13 (#2,946) Grantorio 97.51% 6,917.17pp 1,275,850,037 3 175 1,142
14 (#2,989) Hana Yukiko 98.25% 6,869.88pp 691,759,871 24 238 741
15 (#4,529) Suikami 98.23% 5,580.79pp 139,515,363 0 42 107
16 (#5,996) lovemathboy 97.79% 4,742.75pp 114,433,781 11 72 89
17 (#6,975) Kings 99.40% 4,299.77pp 232,774,017 67 364 9
18 (#11,694) - Kielzu - 98.20% 2,937.87pp 99,721,517 1 188 71
19 (#12,372) Blight-kun 96.31% 2,796.44pp 34,154,081 15 58 45
20 (#14,747) enri 96.82% 2,396.77pp 16,457,394 4 45 16
21 (#15,601) wuhua 97.74% 2,267.16pp 33,068,244 2 30 53
22 (#18,500) Stardust Prism 97.49% 1,909.68pp 36,643,976 4 52 70
23 (#20,315) Huytimeclock 98.51% 1,733.03pp 32,024,304 7 75 36
24 (#21,835) Detective 96.30% 1,608.81pp 31,531,928 0 11 82
25 (#28,421) Eagle5324 93.95% 1,210.67pp 3,356,525 1 7 8
26 (#79,298) BlackBear 93.51% 253.85pp 1,842,145 0 2 7
27 (#99,227) Zephirine 95.19% 165.91pp 449,254 1 4 1
28 (#211,339) Shu 92.33% 31.28pp 122,514 0 0 1
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