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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#924) Ben_Kir 99.40% 12,706.20pp 49,549,751,892 742 1,631 1,353
2 (#998) Murzikk 99.26% 12,575.30pp 29,400,349,210 122 480 623
3 (#1,816) Vasteri 99.42% 11,499.60pp 58,446,582,243 276 1,764 1,483
4 (#12,581) FlyingShark 97.28% 8,176.44pp 34,778,957,575 143 1,243 982
5 (#20,579) shimaii 98.54% 7,349.30pp 21,023,416,215 27 558 995
6 (#21,189) ferzis 98.70% 7,303.64pp 81,161,422,561 5,331 10,588 2,888
7 (#31,971) mija- 98.60% 6,632.29pp 28,148,879,295 178 839 1,664
8 (#32,582) SnowE 99.07% 6,599.83pp 20,170,280,722 97 1,326 875
9 (#44,026) Amalian 98.82% 6,107.86pp 9,711,712,650 34 432 750
10 (#62,935) seny4_k 98.30% 5,517.47pp 6,981,770,942 14 402 459
11 (#66,221) Dark_Henderson 98.55% 5,435.73pp 10,767,396,872 45 684 1,037
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