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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Murzikk 96.47% 19,140.62pp 33,155,298,277 125 854 739
2 ferzis 97.71% 15,065.00pp 103,106,377,958 13,454 18,838 3,168
3 Vasteri 96.71% 14,759.90pp 65,333,849,491 301 2,083 1,666
4 FlyingShark 97.44% 8,385.92pp 36,949,264,320 144 1,280 1,024
5 shimaii 97.10% 7,729.33pp 21,679,213,587 29 614 1,034
6 SnowE 82.78% 7,614.62pp 20,923,590,161 99 1,375 904
7 mija- 98.60% 6,727.38pp 30,193,004,738 197 894 1,687
8 Amalian 97.80% 6,210.55pp 9,771,206,554 34 434 755
9 Dark_Henderson 97.23% 5,917.15pp 10,957,908,051 53 748 1,067
10 seny4_k 86.77% 5,841.54pp 7,495,312,281 14 421 477
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