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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Murzikk 96.50% 19,025.27pp 33,205,533,751 121 836 859
2 ferzis 97.77% 15,016.48pp 108,718,947,456 9,370 23,350 4,516
3 Vasteri 97.03% 12,574.01pp 66,741,187,964 286 1,998 1,970
4 mija- 98.49% 9,603.54pp 31,321,769,555 206 973 2,087
5 FlyingShark 97.59% 8,472.91pp 37,496,055,149 146 1,185 1,532
6 SnowE 97.25% 7,891.77pp 22,267,181,152 107 1,263 1,307
7 shimaii 98.50% 7,453.52pp 21,891,841,987 28 488 1,488
8 seny4_k 84.70% 6,270.25pp 7,934,005,109 16 402 735
9 Amalian 98.79% 6,053.09pp 9,784,376,266 35 413 963
10 Dark_Henderson 98.48% 5,419.69pp 10,948,385,624 47 615 1,435
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