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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,175) 13187berlin 100.00% 7,419.17pp 135,362,698,709 14,054 4 3
2 (#1,779) mirza_rachman18 100.00% 5,812.15pp 30,175,500,751 5,270 1 0
3 (#2,769) Lavanville 99.95% 4,246.75pp 75,006,663,887 10,660 70 0
4 (#2,888) Deli 100.00% 4,110.24pp 59,279,552,496 10,016 0 0
5 (#4,402) Squidh 100.00% 3,003.16pp 4,271,966,617 967 0 0
6 (#4,635) Cupant 100.00% 2,889.00pp 20,804,280,758 4,791 1 0
7 (#4,710) Loli-chan Nyan 100.00% 2,855.90pp 7,172,507,789 2,175 3 1
8 (#5,267) Aikyuu-Chan 99.97% 2,623.88pp 8,536,668,170 850 122 4
9 (#5,858) Chriszo 100.00% 2,435.08pp 20,499,852,556 5,277 0 0
10 (#7,216) Dey 100.00% 2,085.62pp 612,783,749 111 0 0
11 (#8,202) Tactic 100.00% 1,878.59pp 1,370,793,523 1,853 0 0
12 (#10,833) rrapido 100.00% 1,481.36pp 451,903,581 221 0 0
13 (#16,661) roeky 100.00% 933.66pp 378,697,847 566 1 0
14 (#35,802) Pow3r_Jr 63.95% 205.71pp 16,822,575 0 2 2
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