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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#716) rrapido 99.39% 11,377.30pp 5,162,252,254 6,222 621 153
2 (#1,216) Deli 100.00% 9,913.19pp 19,384,219,041 42,418 0 0
3 (#1,528) kevin3333g 99.95% 9,133.47pp 32,871,836,253 68,956 642 6
4 (#1,875) Leralice 99.31% 8,411.14pp 13,749,955,836 26,888 115 458
5 (#9,677) Cupant 98.88% 3,409.56pp 176,509,193 229 234 54
6 (#11,595) Lavanville 99.93% 2,958.70pp 2,092,616,251 5,690 575 0
7 (#13,676) Tactic 98.63% 2,567.25pp 86,104,796 1,155 0 1
8 (#15,167) Squidh 100.00% 2,329.56pp 82,438,511 508 0 0
9 (#17,232) Chriszo 99.78% 2,052.38pp 237,033,684 1,612 10 14
10 (#19,139) Aikyuu-Chan 96.89% 1,843.57pp 27,974,941 43 26 14
11 (#24,962) 13187berlin 100.00% 1,397.19pp 8,362,611 114 0 0
12 (#37,665) roeky 98.95% 858.41pp 30,330,268 225 0 0
13 (#73,814) Voidedosu 99.96% 288.70pp 633,397 10 0 1
14 (#367,987) UltraMax 100.00% 36.89pp 13,548 1 0 0
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