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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,092) _Alice 99.68% 7,722.52pp 11,719,746,801 2,159 1,113 197
2 (#1,342) Dropinx 99.39% 6,901.07pp 2,780,572,229 88 342 177
3 (#1,343) Coreanmaluco 99.67% 6,888.44pp 4,226,824,009 125 497 125
4 (#2,383) sitarg 99.73% 4,727.14pp 13,057,847,795 7,586 947 27
5 (#3,154) Magg 99.66% 3,856.36pp 2,335,907,664 54 138 26
6 (#5,795) Lorenzetto 99.58% 2,455.75pp 682,210,551 93 145 18
7 (#6,716) Foxeru 99.14% 2,203.47pp 458,640,502 21 69 54
8 (#7,720) Skull Kid 98.78% 1,979.58pp 1,501,605,503 39 157 193
9 (#12,288) MyAngelRuby 99.91% 1,308.48pp 804,988,663 155 14 0
10 (#15,375) K4L1 98.94% 1,032.66pp 149,400,140 11 52 17
11 (#21,582) miwoo 99.23% 637.92pp 81,165,495 20 70 10
12 (#22,340) caaiomc 97.60% 600.52pp 66,525,365 2 33 49
13 (#51,838) flr 97.78% 349.26pp 41,202,761 2 20 19
14 (#30,996) mihinho 97.00% 299.18pp 47,500,164 1 11 48
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