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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#230) Coreanmaluco 98.62% 15,889.50pp 165,677,733,578 1,454 6,654 3,768
2 (#244) Dropinx 98.17% 15,768.80pp 72,375,148,241 404 2,165 2,407
3 (#637) swake 99.30% 13,843.30pp 31,741,213,344 71 571 976
4 (#1,699) Ideal 98.38% 12,000.90pp 43,914,511,574 108 1,884 1,920
5 (#29,291) Skull Kid 99.55% 6,896.84pp 11,387,644,299 142 699 1,096
6 (#29,368) Serial Dreemurr 99.19% 6,892.26pp 22,902,311,068 187 1,549 1,047
7 (#30,188) _Alice 99.22% 6,842.18pp 17,176,844,101 162 902 1,732
8 (#31,641) Flames99Fs 98.98% 6,760.20pp 12,475,178,724 40 453 1,432
9 (#36,777) RustyPPsH 98.89% 6,500.32pp 28,721,229,198 498 2,209 1,070
10 (#68,163) miwoo 98.63% 5,430.40pp 5,934,186,526 40 685 939
11 (#105,070) K4L1 98.34% 4,660.92pp 9,348,695,716 51 616 1,222
12 (#118,155) Magg 99.51% 4,440.09pp 4,754,934,815 136 341 386
13 (#94,856) flr 96.13% 4,153.12pp 6,670,964,847 2 331 711
14 (#158,761) igorsprite 97.99% 3,868.81pp 4,238,141,777 12 363 541
15 (#162,317) Jegerikkenorsk 97.71% 3,827.37pp 12,876,071,723 40 689 1,752
16 (#169,747) Marmota221 98.69% 3,739.73pp 2,950,761,087 127 414 392
17 (#188,618) MyAngelRuby 99.16% 3,537.71pp 3,336,603,204 1,016 174 82
18 (#191,894) Foxeru 96.86% 3,505.52pp 721,321,479 23 42 147
19 (#268,270) sitarg 99.12% 2,870.18pp 3,688,677,658 1,712 750 1,122
20 (#279,436) mihinho 97.67% 2,797.41pp 5,686,313,679 5 259 1,822
21 (#299,034) Yaminoma 96.29% 2,674.34pp 2,281,470,733 7 58 898
22 (#320,941) Lorenzetto 99.97% 2,546.46pp 444,202,619 307 113 59
23 (#380,972) caaiomc 95.39% 2,234.67pp 4,137,151,172 23 291 859
24 (#393,311) Toddynho_1 96.66% 2,179.23pp 2,096,385,602 25 171 594
25 (#443,548) lukinhasxxx 95.92% 1,964.99pp 591,793,825 119 160 102
26 (#443,929) ghr14 95.56% 1,963.47pp 871,414,616 26 128 345
27 (#451,434) taiyo329 96.16% 1,933.77pp 598,351,005 4 62 215
28 (#458,351) Coryn 95.42% 1,906.85pp 884,011,243 5 88 169
29 (#529,922) GORDAO DO RODO 96.83% 1,652.05pp 1,321,379,041 106 432 257
30 (#533,476) YukiYummie 97.59% 1,640.56pp 894,343,732 62 265 118
31 (#211,095) Akyuu 90.20% 1,037.06pp 141,299,361 2 13 19
32 (#887,041) ImTutu 97.91% 814.34pp 92,191,305 29 24 22
33 (#1,050,807) -Shikamaru 95.85% 589.52pp 121,923,739 33 32 76
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