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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,009) AgentYous 99.00% 10,510.50pp 1,997,285,570 52 1,194 636
2 (#2,288) Madeline 98.97% 7,716.47pp 1,576,125,419 16 582 1,027
3 (#4,069) Voltali 96.91% 5,913.70pp 689,767,740 0 187 575
4 (#5,848) Jacques Chirac 97.83% 4,811.37pp 189,747,505 5 67 230
5 (#6,573) Boros 96.74% 4,476.02pp 397,499,004 5 161 515
6 (#6,812) Magical girl 99.38% 4,377.26pp 99,484,336 5 105 1
7 (#8,051) Mindwaves 98.35% 3,900.50pp 1,200,401,005 56 767 1,513
8 (#11,163) Taevas 97.76% 3,049.37pp 219,455,854 7 120 300
9 (#11,563) Realmaas 98.49% 2,964.49pp 135,387,691 11 138 251
10 (#11,595) Lavanville 99.93% 2,958.70pp 2,092,616,251 5,690 575 0
11 (#11,773) Axiaan 98.68% 2,926.43pp 114,803,596 429 182 57
12 (#11,897) FormatSDVX 1m50 98.12% 2,895.45pp 120,364,224 0 138 120
13 (#14,108) Tuti- 98.33% 2,486.85pp 119,418,025 16 155 137
14 (#14,487) Noctalium 97.42% 2,430.21pp 101,380,021 12 144 114
15 (#15,522) Kanoob 97.82% 2,276.77pp 207,190,589 12 285 248
16 (#16,324) Dask 97.95% 2,161.32pp 249,986,444 250 513 97
17 (#19,657) IIFirenII 96.82% 1,795.25pp 154,548,569 34 133 348
18 (#20,621) Sevelik 100.00% 1,705.15pp 1,116,693,435 6,305 0 8
19 (#21,675) CelegaS 94.75% 1,622.66pp 19,384,281 9 13 38
20 (#22,074) chinomofumofu 97.51% 1,591.80pp 40,380,706 4 77 37
21 (#24,241) Zelepha 96.06% 1,442.97pp 89,289,477 0 14 34
22 (#25,818) -Shinai- 97.02% 1,345.32pp 27,803,491 5 62 49
23 (#26,110) ERROR CODE 0x7A 98.40% 1,329.92pp 23,954,498 128 48 8
24 (#29,846) Yaojima Chan 98.39% 1,142.00pp 24,874,552 10 76 57
25 (#31,134) floflim 91.15% 1,087.61pp 13,979,044 1 3 26
26 (#71,984) Pitsuwa 90.94% 302.03pp 1,609,918 2 1 3
27 (#76,490) sammycom 66.26% 270.84pp 3,599,914 0 0 0
28 (#149,517) Pizou 86.40% 194.61pp 911,372 0 2 2
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