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bobby crew

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#58,531) womsie 98.21% 5,693.91pp 8,244,681,326 45 363 1,161
2 (#72,379) Tard312 98.15% 5,327.30pp 4,278,118,781 4 263 742
3 (#159,648) elguiza 94.80% 3,857.16pp 8,871,027,763 47 217 698
4 (#287,104) bobthaboy 98.69% 2,747.99pp 4,930,008,954 380 626 845
5 (#471,602) -Moose- 94.14% 1,855.13pp 758,005,246 16 118 210
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