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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#22) Bunnrei 99.89% 21,096.50pp 80,005,043,986 854 1,715 123
2 (#35) Roido 99.91% 19,439.80pp 42,840,596,117 493 1,352 119
3 (#51) -Rustyy 99.90% 18,621.00pp 63,249,249,737 400 1,660 78
4 (#105) Maririn 99.77% 16,813.80pp 101,121,015,385 841 2,642 125
5 (#116) - Kielzu - 99.77% 16,412.20pp 35,182,041,812 1,247 841 74
6 (#208) Mawile 99.86% 14,520.60pp 58,379,113,077 1,607 2,005 170
7 (#422) Mutsuki 99.91% 11,523.20pp 63,805,177,520 2,531 4,103 165
8 (#469) liamggss 99.94% 11,104.30pp 7,953,427,499 172 272 30
9 (#486) Aerene 99.79% 11,001.60pp 22,701,790,691 172 1,073 206
10 (#525) Lobsterr 99.88% 10,674.90pp 29,552,797,457 843 1,288 151
11 (#631) Jemzuu 99.75% 9,995.35pp 52,677,249,468 1,115 3,645 134
12 (#638) Nosuri 99.75% 9,916.90pp 24,426,623,847 167 1,523 379
13 (#716) Crowley 99.68% 9,310.47pp 32,688,111,740 227 1,674 195
14 (#877) Eoneru 99.79% 8,443.24pp 52,658,479,317 2,890 4,137 429
15 (#1,169) Philippine LuLu 99.99% 7,433.78pp 37,737,824,663 4,973 1,529 91
16 (#1,284) Laqure 99.55% 7,067.73pp 60,898,324,237 969 4,088 461
17 (#1,565) Shawntell 99.29% 6,314.39pp 4,389,069,942 4 75 22
18 (#1,573) MaMaiPonc 99.49% 6,290.07pp 41,437,387,652 441 3,513 855
19 (#2,224) Tanomoshii Nekojou 99.66% 4,934.48pp 52,535,148,750 3,843 2,982 186
20 (#2,536) Ew4n -II- 99.39% 4,508.21pp 7,810,056,512 99 686 80
21 (#2,568) JierYagtama 99.06% 4,466.58pp 2,172,749,630 27 287 229
22 (#2,599) E14 99.84% 4,421.25pp 155,704,199,132 10,701 7,133 89
23 (#2,945) Niro- 99.17% 4,050.63pp 2,700,157,926 46 254 191
24 (#4,300) jmeh07 99.65% 3,056.01pp 4,343,500,049 178 863 105
25 (#4,360) Astrid Park 99.90% 3,028.47pp 3,617,569,512 862 210 24
26 (#9,526) Binninja 99.34% 1,648.34pp 711,316,498 17 180 88
27 (#10,516) Ayesha Altugle 99.11% 1,520.72pp 345,693,873 46 134 72
28 (#10,833) rrapido 100.00% 1,481.36pp 451,903,581 221 0 0
29 (#13,876) Aiery 99.06% 1,154.65pp 110,960,505 6 54 23
30 (#14,658) JoshEco4 99.99% 1,088.57pp 193,778,527 143 7 5
31 (#18,582) MowseChow 97.88% 809.49pp 67,187,588 9 31 39
32 (#22,331) vdc 99.14% 602.85pp 110,377,698 14 38 3
33 (#25,379) enri 97.47% 470.18pp 37,123,134 8 14 16
34 (#35,500) Vulpsi 97.61% 210.79pp 12,088,002 2 6 3
35 (#38,213) Milkteaism 97.74% 172.40pp 12,785,132 1 7 4
36 (#124,918) MapleSyrup- 96.08% 140.79pp 16,158,226 3 6 8
37 (#42,757) -Jameson- 97.02% 126.00pp 97,749,601 0 3 4
38 (#58,802) Sirelia 98.48% 56.88pp 3,221,145 0 3 1
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