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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 WhiteCat 98.63% 20,308.10pp 36,189,496,614 71 629 1,166
2 takoz53 98.56% 19,901.63pp 72,138,910,962 141 1,507 1,422
3 frz 96.37% 19,748.14pp 3,651,771,023 127 1,015 1,312
4 Kumatetsu 96.66% 16,579.51pp 12,235,563,764 62 540 789
5 angelkanna 94.75% 16,223.99pp 30,647,022,019 73 779 1,593
6 Zuness 98.37% 14,997.48pp 58,660,917,957 280 1,850 2,439
7 Kneesocks 86.75% 13,369.13pp 90,740,924,936 231 2,484 3,909
8 Yasui 97.49% 11,504.19pp 31,266,444,304 54 677 1,518
9 kaimuu 70.03% 9,371.17pp 29,731,620,786 176 927 1,706
10 praeludium 93.88% 8,622.53pp 42,876,863,175 112 1,612 4,984
11 im afk 98.82% 7,071.92pp 21,598,482,402 101 908 1,728
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