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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#110) frz 99.03% 15,854.10pp 2,430,137,962 126 857 991
2 (#8,784) takoz53 97.88% 3,674.44pp 101,134,301 0 28 118
3 (#19,171) Kumatetsu 96.95% 1,837.68pp 23,569,392 5 40 41
4 (#26,093) Zuness 96.99% 1,330.97pp 58,336,724 1 13 44
5 (#28,242) Kneesocks 95.26% 1,217.03pp 21,761,591 4 18 65
6 (#88,894) praeludium 88.01% 205.57pp 1,362,758 0 1 2
7 (#175,760) kaimuu 78.93% 109.40pp 572,463 0 0 1
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