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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 JAGEKO 96.37% 18,543.56pp 79,915,018,762 410 3,327 3,148
2 -Masta- 98.37% 11,524.80pp 40,587,152,496 133 836 1,221
3 headphonewearer 89.02% 11,011.19pp 15,892,122,336 89 486 999
4 Noercy 99.81% 7,899.68pp 128,730,069,069 33,596 2,618 2,989
5 [ Couch ] Mini 99.04% 6,153.06pp 17,477,220,463 34 519 1,295
6 SimonDiamond 76.95% 4,472.29pp 32,495,724,711 3,973 4,982 3,473
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