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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,032) DarryllV 95.06% 11,968.20pp 3,637,519,326 13 3,587 331
2 (#1,326) Evening 95.83% 11,414.20pp 1,125,384,038 0 1,038 158
3 (#1,583) Japeynius 97.51% 11,041.60pp 2,708,749,065 6 2,492 159
4 (#1,860) AdamAckerville 97.60% 10,711.70pp 1,487,297,303 6 1,392 144
5 (#2,379) ByeForNow 96.70% 10,240.00pp 1,141,414,686 1 1,132 54
6 (#3,416) [LS]PlzNjoyGame 97.75% 9,522.40pp 1,121,269,437 4 427 34
7 (#3,730) awdse22 96.11% 9,342.51pp 2,380,500,096 0 2,214 321
8 (#3,820) Claren 98.15% 9,295.09pp 4,970,506,417 130 4,711 207
9 (#4,544) Esperia 97.41% 8,927.43pp 862,779,664 1 860 37
10 (#5,460) sd3d 97.43% 8,536.40pp 755,270,994 1 710 77
11 (#5,996) doomsday50 97.12% 8,335.99pp 1,211,091,560 0 1,072 166
12 (#6,678) [Crz]howardong 95.98% 8,098.35pp 717,278,193 0 541 293
13 (#7,436) Blerargh 97.55% 7,864.88pp 605,814,588 0 543 86
14 (#9,269) TheFunk 97.07% 7,383.37pp 1,648,321,324 0 1,430 248
15 (#10,254) Defract 96.37% 7,144.89pp 5,005,139,134 1 4,994 483
16 (#11,248) BeautifulMess 96.00% 6,905.85pp 1,077,082,088 0 965 135
17 (#12,983) MrShiister 96.95% 6,540.46pp 1,443,386,628 0 1,361 161
18 (#14,627) Eagle5324 96.89% 6,247.42pp 286,734,825 4 216 69
19 (#16,048) Kings 96.45% 6,033.91pp 2,621,709,537 3 2,468 303
20 (#20,093) Grantorio 95.58% 5,513.97pp 1,501,888,688 0 1,291 363
21 (#25,752) jacketsniffing 96.41% 4,972.29pp 1,264,450,673 0 933 350
22 (#34,252) lovemathboy 96.54% 4,367.39pp 467,482,041 0 373 130
23 (#35,380) Prehistoria 95.47% 4,302.47pp 292,322,848 0 146 140
24 (#48,695) Ekseff 96.52% 3,634.86pp 632,458,405 0 467 168
25 (#49,498) tokaku 95.79% 3,597.08pp 277,262,657 0 223 81
26 (#50,680) tzechi 96.96% 3,549.09pp 145,491,310 0 112 42
27 (#52,926) Dreamy 94.80% 3,455.06pp 750,721,706 0 345 457
28 (#62,741) Xinnoh 95.82% 3,094.79pp 522,837,643 0 408 122
29 (#69,424) Bobfree 94.64% 2,879.98pp 566,091,180 0 131 342
30 (#82,578) bencyphyr 95.80% 2,515.47pp 231,943,928 2 192 59
31 (#98,452) Soba Noodles 95.25% 2,152.93pp 195,799,567 0 107 74
32 (#112,439) Stylus 96.58% 1,905.55pp 260,029,007 0 170 81
33 (#123,408) Yaes 96.90% 1,742.83pp 216,987,597 0 189 29
34 (#147,154) _gt 95.38% 1,448.77pp 99,388,823 2 68 33
35 (#154,942) megumic 94.48% 1,363.81pp 150,345,896 0 67 72
36 (#208,849) emilia 94.32% 909.63pp 131,294,669 0 59 56
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