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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#146) He Ang CTB 99.97% 15,771.10pp 148,615,697,540 5,109 2,576 121
2 (#602) Accel 99.89% 10,136.60pp 108,882,392,503 5,100 1,427 19
3 (#617) Ekseff 99.82% 10,070.80pp 31,326,524,896 301 1,869 61
4 (#673) Setsuen 99.37% 9,615.62pp 47,894,114,556 100 2,975 782
5 (#684) lovemathboy 99.79% 9,542.28pp 15,604,358,682 190 818 116
6 (#747) Wyuuji 99.89% 9,124.92pp 41,199,959,640 463 1,979 10
7 (#822) [Eun] 99.67% 8,628.81pp 47,577,934,510 348 3,682 894
8 (#1,013) Xinnoh 99.65% 8,032.37pp 8,037,895,576 89 748 192
9 (#1,158) Kings 99.75% 7,496.80pp 30,985,336,447 1,114 1,467 148
10 (#1,272) Yiihao 99.62% 7,101.45pp 25,877,968,171 106 1,728 418
11 (#1,472) edicatxd 99.57% 6,513.79pp 8,114,869,318 78 753 97
12 (#3,518) tzechi 98.93% 3,551.10pp 1,094,356,646 6 162 231
13 (#5,728) ByeForNow 99.99% 2,477.76pp 1,528,233,690 219 21 7
14 (#6,394) Grantorio 98.88% 2,294.32pp 347,168,644 1 54 113
15 (#6,530) Eskalade 99.36% 2,254.38pp 539,512,738 16 148 54
16 (#7,452) DarryllV 99.77% 2,036.65pp 671,342,344 48 186 50
17 (#8,313) Defract 99.28% 1,854.40pp 729,285,890 76 204 65
18 (#12,227) TheFunk 99.19% 1,316.75pp 392,861,550 8 119 40
19 (#12,327) moosepi 99.81% 1,305.27pp 368,636,357 194 66 17
20 (#18,035) Bobfree 96.17% 843.80pp 238,042,875 1 5 143
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