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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#185) Blerargh 99.22% 14,774.10pp 2,192,055,245 48 685 521
2 (#195) awdse22 99.04% 14,651.40pp 3,073,298,444 94 564 1,761
3 (#371) Prehistoria 98.67% 13,027.20pp 2,384,333,418 0 361 1,170
4 (#747) Bobfree 97.34% 11,265.30pp 2,397,839,199 5 333 1,333
5 (#943) Element118 96.43% 10,660.40pp 3,098,455,778 26 922 1,681
6 (#1,069) tzechi 98.65% 10,342.40pp 782,400,590 31 215 308
7 (#1,532) I luv loleez 97.76% 9,128.50pp 1,958,752,335 23 606 1,076
8 (#1,862) TheFunk 98.15% 8,447.07pp 682,295,353 10 505 184
9 (#2,031) IJosephI[GS] 99.02% 8,145.51pp 412,908,409 6 80 263
10 (#2,208) AdamAckerville 98.27% 7,848.86pp 562,904,028 2 65 406
11 (#2,595) Claren 99.01% 7,315.55pp 522,701,894 25 120 476
12 (#2,946) Grantorio 97.51% 6,917.17pp 1,275,850,037 3 175 1,142
13 (#4,613) _gt 98.79% 5,519.91pp 341,963,112 7 204 187
14 (#5,996) lovemathboy 97.79% 4,742.75pp 114,433,781 11 72 89
15 (#6,778) moosepi 99.04% 4,389.50pp 637,330,600 386 336 506
16 (#6,975) Kings 99.40% 4,299.77pp 232,774,017 67 364 9
17 (#9,728) Dreamy 98.97% 3,393.34pp 271,263,149 8 195 275
18 (#10,191) DarryllV 99.43% 3,276.61pp 128,203,244 306 82 18
19 (#10,704) Defract 94.75% 3,149.77pp 109,858,766 3 60 124
20 (#20,854) [LS]PlzNjoyGame 95.74% 1,688.09pp 19,031,013 0 17 17
21 (#24,589) Ekseff 96.39% 1,421.14pp 36,917,910 1 58 59
22 (#28,421) Eagle5324 93.95% 1,210.67pp 3,356,525 1 7 8
23 (#37,485) Yaes 94.42% 863.74pp 8,629,035 5 20 18
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