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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#119) Demonical 98.56% 17,255.10pp 71,252,359,831 66 1,327 2,208
2 (#303) dlwlrma- 98.23% 15,414.10pp 25,298,504,634 48 696 1,064
3 (#402) Eagle5324 98.05% 14,763.50pp 102,199,501,501 556 2,427 2,074
4 (#1,290) Tebi 98.84% 12,547.10pp 109,659,990,319 268 2,805 4,087
5 (#1,433) GSBlank 99.12% 12,339.30pp 205,516,499,802 217 5,882 6,424
6 (#1,437) emilia 97.13% 12,331.90pp 103,698,392,586 343 4,094 3,900
7 (#1,805) megumic 98.59% 11,862.20pp 59,131,934,612 188 1,811 2,801
8 (#2,121) bencyphyr 98.71% 11,579.20pp 95,643,783,189 194 2,598 2,219
9 (#2,273) [-Lockon-] 98.12% 11,459.20pp 55,534,229,034 68 1,746 2,315
10 (#2,294) SeeL 98.98% 11,438.60pp 69,006,075,127 178 2,036 1,320
11 (#2,977) Nakano- 99.25% 10,960.50pp 48,321,230,960 735 3,346 302
12 (#3,125) Soba Noodles 97.96% 10,872.40pp 97,949,009,141 51 1,930 1,725
13 (#3,308) _gt 95.10% 10,760.50pp 22,808,742,166 83 799 889
14 (#4,269) Grantorio 97.41% 10,300.00pp 103,587,068,061 46 2,160 3,995
15 (#4,899) tzechi 97.17% 10,070.80pp 15,186,369,349 12 403 972
16 (#5,403) Eskalade 98.11% 9,885.50pp 41,215,869,001 32 919 1,325
17 (#6,649) OppaiSuki 97.92% 9,505.22pp 49,360,651,285 14 797 2,980
18 (#6,865) Stylus 98.86% 9,445.06pp 75,442,852,805 164 2,240 2,232
19 (#7,889) moosepi 99.21% 9,173.54pp 250,438,192,332 535 6,693 8,150
20 (#8,583) tokaku 98.21% 9,025.07pp 11,182,587,005 18 271 444
21 (#13,191) [Crz]howardong 98.49% 8,284.90pp 22,381,926,698 15 357 1,522
22 (#17,054) sinn 99.03% 7,825.58pp 109,733,238,078 2,635 7,254 4,108
23 (#38,015) Yaes 99.19% 6,444.46pp 11,740,037,928 76 852 1,113
24 (#47,682) Prehistoria 96.92% 6,054.58pp 5,320,149,433 6 171 449
25 (#54,213) AdamAckerville 98.82% 5,826.63pp 9,042,688,260 11 214 784
26 (#64,905) Blerargh 98.88% 5,511.88pp 2,485,998,650 23 174 442
27 (#72,139) Dreamy 97.81% 5,334.31pp 14,996,935,317 49 692 1,629
28 (#76,380) Kings 98.93% 5,233.68pp 11,896,235,506 230 1,182 954
29 (#91,522) BeautifulMess 98.92% 4,913.82pp 4,740,533,684 24 409 704
30 (#244,050) jacketsniffing 97.37% 3,048.50pp 2,108,547,416 22 234 490
31 (#258,256) Bobfree 96.67% 2,941.86pp 2,217,869,571 4 54 560
32 (#344,368) Xinnoh 96.31% 2,418.00pp 2,806,945,738 14 235 718
33 (#355,940) Element118 97.93% 2,358.78pp 3,102,714,329 117 407 608
34 (#457,209) Ekseff 93.81% 1,911.35pp 2,050,930,477 1 197 413
35 (#500,368) Claren 98.53% 1,752.48pp 379,324,447 49 116 30
36 (#788,115) Japeynius 93.22% 992.06pp 274,569,325 6 57 111
37 (#868,588) Defract 95.14% 844.75pp 273,521,956 40 97 88
38 (#886,491) TheFunk 94.84% 816.93pp 128,961,580 1 37 52
39 (#1,069,425) [LS]PlzNjoyGame 83.37% 567.78pp 83,551,093 0 0 5
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