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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Blerargh 98.30% 28,150.86pp 5,283,868,483 71 1,402 1,049
2 tzechi 97.69% 27,513.39pp 17,208,617,895 49 892 1,553
3 Grantorio 96.88% 25,025.46pp 106,711,975,430 50 3,680 5,613
4 AdamAckerville 98.07% 24,387.19pp 11,092,889,591 19 1,671 1,334
5 awdse22 97.57% 23,993.91pp 5,453,798,540 94 2,778 2,082
6 Prehistoria 96.63% 23,384.25pp 7,996,805,699 6 678 1,759
7 Kings 97.95% 23,064.16pp 45,736,055,507 1,414 5,481 1,414
8 Eagle5324 96.44% 22,221.59pp 102,489,592,851 561 2,650 2,151
9 lovemathboy 97.66% 18,588.63pp 16,176,108,598 201 1,263 329
10 Claren 98.46% 18,359.83pp 5,865,039,362 204 4,947 707
11 TheFunk 97.45% 17,964.12pp 2,852,439,807 19 2,091 524
12 Bobfree 95.62% 17,930.94pp 5,419,842,825 10 523 2,378
13 _gt 96.16% 17,729.18pp 23,250,094,101 90 1,073 1,109
14 DarryllV 97.33% 17,281.46pp 4,437,064,914 367 3,855 399
15 Demonical 98.56% 17,255.10pp 71,252,359,831 66 1,327 2,208
16 Ekseff 96.99% 17,038.15pp 34,046,831,688 303 2,591 701
17 [Crz]howardong 97.24% 16,383.25pp 23,099,204,891 15 898 1,815
18 He Ang CTB 99.97% 15,771.10pp 148,593,696,649 5,107 2,576 121
19 dlwlrma- 98.23% 15,414.10pp 25,298,504,634 48 696 1,064
20 moosepi 99.47% 14,868.31pp 251,444,159,289 1,115 7,095 8,673
21 bencyphyr 97.26% 14,094.67pp 95,875,727,117 194 2,792 2,278
22 Xinnoh 96.90% 13,545.16pp 11,367,678,957 103 1,391 1,032
23 emilia 95.72% 13,241.53pp 103,789,671,518 343 4,152 3,956
24 megumic 96.54% 13,226.01pp 59,282,280,508 188 1,878 2,873
25 Soba Noodles 96.61% 13,025.33pp 98,144,808,708 51 2,037 1,799
26 Defract 96.74% 12,993.81pp 6,117,805,746 120 5,355 760
27 ByeForNow 98.34% 12,717.76pp 2,669,648,376 220 1,153 61
28 tokaku 97.00% 12,622.15pp 11,459,849,662 18 494 525
29 Tebi 98.84% 12,547.10pp 109,659,990,319 268 2,805 4,087
30 GSBlank 99.12% 12,339.30pp 205,400,933,561 217 5,880 6,422
31 Dreamy 96.60% 12,182.71pp 16,018,920,172 57 1,232 2,361
32 Eskalade 98.74% 12,139.88pp 41,755,381,739 48 1,067 1,379
33 Japeynius 95.37% 12,033.66pp 2,983,318,390 12 2,549 270
34 BeautifulMess 97.46% 11,819.67pp 5,817,615,772 24 1,374 839
35 [LS]PlzNjoyGame 93.65% 11,777.56pp 1,223,849,017 3 445 56
36 [-Lockon-] 98.12% 11,459.20pp 55,534,229,034 68 1,746 2,315
37 SeeL 98.98% 11,438.60pp 69,006,075,127 178 2,036 1,320
38 Evening 95.83% 11,414.20pp 1,125,384,038 0 1,038 158
39 Stylus 97.72% 11,350.61pp 75,692,552,966 164 2,410 2,312
40 Nakano- 99.25% 10,960.50pp 48,321,230,960 735 3,346 302
41 Element118 96.43% 10,660.40pp 3,098,455,778 26 922 1,681
42 Accel 99.89% 10,136.60pp 108,882,392,503 5,100 1,427 19
43 Setsuen 99.37% 9,615.62pp 47,894,114,556 100 2,975 782
44 OppaiSuki 97.92% 9,505.22pp 49,360,651,285 14 797 2,980
45 I luv loleez 97.76% 9,128.50pp 1,954,718,825 23 604 1,074
46 Wyuuji 99.89% 9,124.92pp 41,199,959,640 463 1,979 10
47 Yaes 96.85% 9,051.03pp 11,965,654,560 81 1,061 1,160
48 Esperia 97.41% 8,927.43pp 862,779,664 1 860 37
49 [Eun] 99.67% 8,628.81pp 47,577,934,510 348 3,682 894
50 sd3d 97.43% 8,536.40pp 755,270,994 1 710 77
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