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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Blerargh 98.30% 28,150.86pp 5,283,868,483 93 1,431 898
2 tzechi 97.69% 27,511.75pp 17,208,227,432 49 915 1,326
3 Grantorio 96.88% 25,025.46pp 106,576,584,087 56 3,893 4,588
4 AdamAckerville 98.07% 24,346.25pp 11,077,866,887 441 1,318 1,040
5 awdse22 97.54% 23,850.01pp 5,265,298,658 285 2,662 1,770
6 Prehistoria 96.65% 23,284.03pp 6,843,980,264 6 724 1,390
7 Kings 97.94% 23,059.12pp 45,693,671,721 1,760 5,245 1,141
8 Eagle5324 97.35% 20,513.21pp 102,205,375,971 530 2,701 1,863
9 TheFunk 97.45% 17,964.12pp 2,850,576,132 135 2,083 369
10 Claren 98.43% 17,957.80pp 5,783,842,944 3,727 1,471 561
11 _gt 96.16% 17,729.18pp 23,153,580,322 90 1,137 884
12 DarryllV 97.33% 17,281.46pp 4,437,064,914 1,433 2,996 194
13 Demonical 98.58% 17,144.30pp 71,019,357,598 66 1,372 1,948
14 Bobfree 95.83% 17,086.54pp 5,172,951,594 10 590 1,618
15 Ekseff 96.98% 17,033.46pp 33,807,415,524 302 2,690 453
16 [Crz]howardong 97.28% 16,335.15pp 22,661,326,675 22 1,022 1,381
17 He Ang CTB 99.98% 15,641.50pp 147,447,038,474 5,134 2,533 119
18 dlwlrma- 98.30% 15,403.30pp 25,252,425,344 48 745 800
19 moosepi 99.47% 14,834.57pp 248,437,345,103 1,112 7,576 6,578
20 bencyphyr 97.26% 14,091.07pp 95,584,159,060 184 2,877 1,965
21 Xinnoh 96.90% 13,544.18pp 11,360,370,310 103 1,509 670
22 emilia 95.72% 13,241.53pp 103,611,125,133 342 4,554 2,769
23 megumic 96.54% 13,226.01pp 59,281,845,513 187 1,970 2,381
24 Soba Noodles 96.61% 13,025.33pp 98,034,467,641 51 2,129 1,476
25 Defract 96.74% 12,993.81pp 6,111,145,284 1,453 4,223 506
26 ByeForNow 98.34% 12,685.83pp 2,627,825,398 294 1,097 41
27 tokaku 97.00% 12,622.15pp 11,459,849,662 17 542 447
28 Tebi 98.82% 12,406.10pp 107,383,088,326 267 2,874 3,351
29 GSBlank 99.11% 12,311.10pp 203,982,351,195 214 6,192 5,578
30 Dreamy 96.60% 12,174.84pp 15,983,317,820 59 1,360 1,836
31 Eskalade 98.74% 12,139.88pp 41,755,381,739 48 1,131 1,071
32 Japeynius 95.37% 12,033.66pp 2,978,646,307 492 2,145 157
33 BeautifulMess 97.46% 11,819.67pp 5,787,215,388 84 1,345 728
34 [-Lockon-] 98.12% 11,459.20pp 55,475,275,205 68 1,829 1,767
35 SeeL 98.98% 11,438.60pp 68,778,633,291 177 2,084 1,086
36 Evening 95.83% 11,414.20pp 1,125,384,038 43 1,049 109
37 Stylus 97.71% 11,343.75pp 75,607,794,276 162 2,531 1,780
38 Nakano- 99.25% 10,960.50pp 48,255,024,163 734 3,376 258
39 [LS]PlzNjoyGame 96.77% 10,216.46pp 1,129,324,872 178 856 129
40 Element118 96.30% 10,174.70pp 3,043,811,358 26 895 999
41 Accel 99.89% 10,136.60pp 108,882,392,503 5,105 1,422 19
42 Setsuen 99.38% 9,605.30pp 47,360,677,328 99 2,963 784
43 OppaiSuki 97.92% 9,505.23pp 49,354,555,979 14 895 2,140
44 I luv loleez 97.76% 9,128.50pp 1,954,718,825 21 609 832
45 Wyuuji 99.89% 9,118.32pp 40,073,500,512 483 1,943 7
46 Yaes 96.85% 9,051.03pp 11,945,439,204 85 1,090 991
47 Esperia 97.41% 8,927.43pp 862,779,664 149 723 29
48 [Eun] 99.67% 8,628.81pp 47,577,934,510 350 3,684 884
49 sd3d 97.43% 8,536.40pp 755,270,994 101 630 61
50 doomsday50 97.12% 8,335.99pp 1,211,091,560 104 1,024 124
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