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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Latifah-sama 97.68% 20,205.74pp 126,468,951,030 3,866 3,578 1,932
2 autofanboy 99.69% 19,842.75pp 135,288,456,458 4,382 4,351 349
3 Novoids 97.68% 15,431.34pp 551,978,650,092 84,641 3,713 163
4 AnLs 97.05% 14,644.23pp 15,380,074,010 278 6,626 1,140
5 Rlsc 99.22% 14,119.00pp 195,046,849,020 6,814 4,359 3,682
6 Kazusa Touma 97.81% 13,986.49pp 37,708,627,589 9,687 2,780 380
7 sing216 99.91% 13,384.10pp 7,363,684,965 11,717 61 3
8 Koltay 85.33% 12,474.70pp 140,587,701,184 16,862 3,439 3,391
9 Accurian 99.31% 6,745.83pp 25,697,333,135 4,278 1,203 3,067
10 Pouyter 99.23% 5,885.63pp 1,869,190,206 4,232 1,273 2
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