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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Latifah-sama 96.61% 20,211.01pp 124,599,834,666 3,886 3,661 1,331
2 autofanboy 99.58% 19,947.97pp 135,111,179,266 4,410 4,319 312
3 AnLs 96.99% 15,211.80pp 15,376,638,847 3,012 3,950 971
4 Suigetsu Kyouka 99.93% 15,126.80pp 89,930,270,311 2,465 1,608 26
5 Novoids 97.86% 15,006.06pp 533,532,398,768 83,236 3,137 129
6 Rlsc 89.51% 14,735.86pp 194,781,106,599 6,808 4,471 3,414
7 Kazusa Touma 97.71% 14,259.32pp 37,707,614,156 9,912 2,663 112
8 Pouyter 99.18% 13,668.19pp 39,485,038,952 14,628 2,580 95
9 sing216 99.90% 13,064.50pp 7,330,571,247 11,656 61 1
10 Koltay 85.33% 12,492.10pp 140,293,427,365 16,859 3,467 3,010
11 Nardoxyribonucleic 99.43% 6,804.52pp 7,696,804,229 17,363 3,761 0
12 Accurian 99.35% 6,783.31pp 25,657,748,597 4,276 1,232 2,622
13 Knarf 100.00% 3,192.67pp 19,728,498,565 2,799 11 8
14 nakinisayonara 100.00% 2,750.92pp 22,906,546,389 3,835 1 4
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