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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#4,533) AR9 98.90% 10,196.60pp 34,847,529,542 26 508 1,792
2 (#26,035) Minion24 98.22% 7,094.80pp 17,319,337,815 310 1,034 1,826
3 (#29,264) Skull Kid 99.55% 6,896.84pp 11,387,644,299 142 699 1,096
4 (#117,061) Friedchicken 99.01% 4,456.88pp 7,723,976,692 226 863 801
5 (#105,231) ndrrr 98.26% 2,541.71pp 1,945,853,603 28 232 239
6 (#479,150) eww 95.16% 1,827.40pp 7,880,428,873 2 10 98
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