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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Skull Kid 97.99% 30,857.91pp 15,782,988,215 255 2,294 1,918
2 AR9 96.94% 27,275.05pp 36,613,784,136 29 1,042 2,604
3 A-40 96.75% 21,027.43pp 2,056,698,967 183 1,002 938
4 Minion24 96.96% 20,089.09pp 19,450,953,487 387 1,535 2,977
5 Ikkun 96.90% 19,371.51pp 7,034,326,891 1,413 4,550 1,684
6 ndrrr 95.03% 19,047.31pp 6,564,813,427 1,258 3,043 1,428
7 Friedchicken 97.94% 17,708.09pp 11,976,979,252 381 2,868 1,549
8 Kyoumo 96.80% 16,252.10pp 2,276,732,448 35 845 1,060
9 eww 97.56% 13,755.50pp 13,861,598,142 23 265 1,135
10 Arach 96.08% 13,277.92pp 2,169,572,642 50 910 1,185
11 Quorum 97.45% 8,628.60pp 3,476,473,398 13 793 2,271
12 Kozzo 97.87% 6,945.14pp 1,997,689,454 4 582 1,611
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