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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#678) samuele 99.18% 13,748.20pp 97,695,366,877 936 4,199 3,146
2 (#1,072) shadow modico 98.58% 12,895.90pp 42,853,392,670 59 732 1,494
3 (#10,542) MirCap72 98.78% 8,679.12pp 59,068,035,344 105 1,210 3,773
4 (#16,053) DECAffeinato 98.97% 7,933.67pp 27,809,839,567 112 1,343 1,314
5 (#39,228) PERMALOSO 98.38% 6,389.31pp 9,472,146,652 5 261 1,072
6 (#40,504) 35P 99.06% 6,336.42pp 18,079,157,791 51 582 1,575
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