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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 35P 95.44% 19,939.97pp 24,356,127,497 86 1,200 2,390
2 samuele 95.60% 14,158.89pp 97,730,778,618 936 4,215 3,162
3 MirCap72 96.73% 13,320.63pp 59,504,700,908 112 1,401 4,082
4 shadow modico 93.84% 13,106.97pp 42,853,706,680 61 735 1,495
5 DECAffeinato 98.97% 7,933.67pp 27,809,839,567 112 1,343 1,314
6 PERMALOSO 95.97% 7,017.32pp 9,476,690,851 5 264 1,087
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