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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 - Lore - 95.44% 20,361.95pp 23,605,501,706 84 1,212 1,894
2 Arancino 94.92% 14,860.18pp 96,896,328,199 945 4,418 2,476
3 MirCap72 95.81% 13,111.23pp 54,411,414,362 105 1,413 3,079
4 shadow modico 82.56% 12,768.47pp 35,782,755,585 58 698 1,152
5 DECAffeinato 98.96% 7,942.58pp 27,809,839,567 108 1,399 1,094
6 PERMALOSO 95.18% 6,300.99pp 9,491,198,836 5 298 860
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