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Greek Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#235) Genjuro 99.06% 14,183.10pp 13,482,764,321 1,330 4,301 5,666
2 (#376) KostPer 98.10% 12,932.80pp 6,593,233,028 1,385 5,047 1,498
3 (#2,068) Kerasi 98.62% 8,071.29pp 1,677,910,636 12 694 879
4 (#5,428) - VayKay - 98.87% 5,020.13pp 479,236,621 9 160 468
5 (#8,470) awesomemacD 98.27% 3,776.89pp 450,434,012 7 204 609
6 (#9,953) EiriNeos 99.20% 3,329.43pp 168,754,677 5 175 163
7 (#10,700) Leftie 99.25% 3,150.08pp 203,319,937 20 226 273
8 (#11,692) JackPaX 98.48% 2,938.39pp 102,445,793 19 189 164
9 (#20,406) George_L 95.13% 1,727.17pp 54,444,645 0 25 93
10 (#22,947) nik 97.96% 1,527.57pp 24,961,430 0 57 41
11 (#32,114) ALKANIC 97.43% 1,049.07pp 24,446,405 3 91 26
12 (#46,680) erpedio 91.82% 630.34pp 4,331,882 1 4 10
13 (#47,207) NARAGORO 92.15% 619.94pp 5,721,233 0 6 18
14 (#96,954) Hikaen 87.10% 173.46pp 1,112,200 0 1 3
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