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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#611) CXu 97.02% 13,945.90pp 58,281,547,892 904 3,732 566
2 (#6,329) Duskyui 99.44% 9,592.86pp 606,206,574,313 26,030 17,400 9,991
3 (#12,512) -Purple 98.65% 8,379.29pp 119,390,901,216 14,317 12,162 6,265
4 (#27,909) KinomiCandy 99.42% 6,980.21pp 15,316,667,608 527 875 820
5 (#52,897) MillhioreF 99.15% 5,871.57pp 21,303,295,464 664 1,390 1,286
6 (#63,341) Keanu Reeves 98.83% 5,556.04pp 8,150,457,508 1,097 1,059 233
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